Poor Baby!
The Washington Post today whines that the CIA hasn't been very nice to Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the mastermind of the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
Unnamed Washington sources told Mayer that Mohammed said he was held naked in his cell, questioned by female interrogators to humiliate him, attached to a dog leash and made to run into walls, and put in painful positions while chained to the floor. Mohammed also said he was "waterboarded" -- a simulated drowning -- in addition to being held in suffocating heat and painfully cold conditions. Mohammed's captors also told him shortly after his arrest in March 2003: "We're not going to kill you. But we're going to take you to the very brink of your death and back," the article said.
"Questioned by female interrogators?" I guarantee that he'd find being asked questions by women much more comfortable than being asked questions by me.
I'll bet that they've treated him one hell of a lot nicer to him than most Americans would if given the chance.
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