Thursday, September 27, 2007

Surge For Me, But Not For Thee

I personally cannot get over the irony that all of the significant Democratic presidential candidates said that, as president, they would allow facts on the ground influence their surrender decisions. But, as senators and candidates, they demand immediate surrender regardless of the facts on the ground.

"I think it's hard to project four years from now," said Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois in the opening moments of a campaign debate in the nation's first primary state.

"It is very difficult to know what we're going to be inheriting," added Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York.

"I cannot make that commitment," said former Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina.

Sensing an opening, Sen. Christopher Dodd of Connecticut and New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson provided the assurances the others would not.

Update: I do not normally permit the sort of obviously spammed comments that have appeared on this post. In this case, I decided to let 3 identical comments through just to show how Ron Paul is abusing this privilege. I guess we're all supposed to believe that Ron Paul supporters are spontaneously rising up and venting their sentiments on blogs. If so, then they are a (very small) army of Stepford Wife-like automatons.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I AM FURIOUS!! No wonder our congress has a lower approval than the president. I mean what don't they understand about the American people? WE WANT TROOPS HOME YESTERDAY! Not now, not by 2008 not by 2013. I don't care how we leave Iraq. We went in there based on lies anyway. I think I am going to vote republican this time and go with Dr. Ron Paul. He seems to be the only one that understands that we are not the world's police men. (all the while making America a police state and theocracy).

6:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I AM FURIOUS!! No wonder our congress has a lower approval than the president. I mean what don't they understand about the American people? WE WANT TROOPS HOME YESTERDAY! Not now, not by 2008 not by 2013. I don't care how we leave Iraq. We went in there based on lies anyway. I think I am going to vote republican this time and go with Dr. Ron Paul. He seems to be the only one that understands that we are not the world's police men. (all the while making America a police state and theocracy).

6:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I AM FURIOUS!! No wonder our congress has a lower approval than the president. I mean what don't they understand about the American people? WE WANT TROOPS HOME YESTERDAY! Not now, not by 2008 not by 2013. I don't care how we leave Iraq. We went in there based on lies anyway. I think I am going to vote republican this time and go with Dr. Ron Paul. He seems to be the only one that understands that we are not the world's police men. (all the while making America a police state and theocracy).

6:14 AM  

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