Saturday, November 10, 2007

Hillary's Staged Spontaneity

Hillary does not like unexpected questions. So she plants her own "spontaneous" questions in her audience.

What's she going to do if Vladimir Putin or Kim Jong Il does something unexpected - whine about it?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hillary declines to speak to the real issues - or at least provide real answers to real questions, while opting for the more Politically Correct Global Warming ones - even if she has to script them herself. How else could the Clinton staged media report Hillary’s remarkable comeback, after the Illegal Alien Driver’s License debacle? With Hillary, what is past is prologue. But like most Americans, I believe one must be insane from the outset, to want that duo back in the White House.

One thing’s certain; Hillary will back out swinging. Then there’s the incidence of Al Qaeda flight students, trained at the University of Bill Clinton. Why does this remain a non-issue? Einstein said, “The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it.” The silence is deafening:

9:46 PM  

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