Mike Huckabee's Creepy Christianity
As an evangelical Christian, I should like Mike Huckabee. But, he has revealed himself on many occasions as a not-ready-for-primetime player. And, even his invocation of Christianity has left me uneasy. I'm not alone.
Invoking one's faith is not unprecedented in American politics and is not, by itself, disconcerting. It can even be reassuring. But it is also fraught with danger. If certain lines -- inherently ambiguous lines -- are crossed and faith becomes a tool in a political campaign, it can damage our civic comity and our politics and demean our faith.
Religious beliefs should play a role in our public life, especially when it comes to great moral questions, as they have from the abolition movement to the civil rights movement to efforts to advance a culture of life. For the most part, America has achieved the right balance -- one that recognizes the importance of faith in our common life while resisting the use of politics to advance sectarian purposes. We believe people of all faiths have every right to be active in politics -- but there are no Christian or Hindu parties in America. That is as it ought to be.
And for those of us who are Christian, there is an important context to bear in mind: Jesus's entire ministry was directed against the pretensions of earthly power, and Christianity is trans-political, beholden to no party and no ideology. The City of Man and the City of God are different, and we should respect and honor those differences.
Mike Huckabee, by all accounts a faithful Christian, may not have crossed any bright lines yet -- but he's edging close to them. He should pull back now, before his political ambitions injure what he claims to care about, and undoubtedly does care about, most.
This is especially disquieting when expression of faith informed policies seem insincere at best.
Labels: Mike Huckabee Opportunistic Christianity of Convenience
This conservative Catholic agrees with you. Huckabee has crossed the line as far as religion and politics go, but the beef is between conservatives and his liberal fiscal politics. I want to spend the next 4 years sizing the fedearal government down, not up as Huckabee would have it.
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