Sunday, March 16, 2008

Barack Obama In Chicago For Jeremiah Wright's Christmas 2007 Sermon

Was Barack Obama telling the truth when he claimed that he had never heard any of Pastor Jeremiah Wright's inflammatory sermons and had no idea that he said any of those things. Well, we do know that Barack Obama was in Chicago for Christmas in 2007 when Jeremiah Wright unleashed this uplifting Christmas message.

"Hillary ain't never been called a nigger."

This kinda reminds me of John Kerry who, back in 2004, claimed to have been in two places at once. This isn't he MSM Mr. Obama. The blogosphere actually investigates.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeremiah was a bull frog...

I certainly heard a whole lot of croaking going on in that video...tell me, wasn't Jeremiah a bull frog...

1:21 PM  

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