Sunday, March 30, 2008

Heath Schuler Chips In With A Lie Too

It's just a Democrat family tradition.

Candidates for the Republican nomination in the 11th Congressional District slammed Rep. Heath Shuler for comments he made at a speech this week in Hendersonville.Shuler, D-Waynesville, spoke to the Rotary Club on Tuesday and claimed Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain was blocking his immigration bill from getting a vote on the House floor.Former Henderson County Republican Party Chairman Spence Campbell, who is seeking the right to face Shuler in the November general election, did not believe Shuler's version of the story."Who is he kidding? His motivation in saying this is purely political and designed to try to attack the Republican presidential nominee," Campbell said in a released statement. "He does not want what is best for America or this district. He wants what is best for the liberal Democrats in Washington."Shuler wrote the Security and Verification through Enforcement Act, which increases funding for border security and requires more stringent residency status verification by employers.Republicans in the House tried to force a vote on the bill recently through a process called a discharge petition. With the rule, a vote can be called if a majority of representatives signed the petition. Shuler claimed that McCain called Republican representatives, telling them to not sign it.Another candidate in the Republican race, Highlands attorney John Armor, also weighed in on Shuler's statements, blaming the Democrats for the bill not getting a vote on the House floor."Those reluctant Democrats who co-sponsored the bill but haven't signed the discharge petition have no reason to listen to any requests from Sen. John McCain, a Republican," Armor said in a released statement. "They have every incentive to listen to demands from Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, a Democrat."Carl Mumpower said he did not want to say much on the issue but believes Shuler was off base with the comments."To shift the blame to a senator is missing the point," Mumpower said.Shuler's statements have sparked controversy in Washington. The Republican Congressional Committee doubted the validity of McCain's involvement, and McCain's office denied playing any role in the discharge petition process.

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