The Democrats' Flawed Candidates
Congratulations to Operation Chaos. The protracted primary battle has revealed that the Democrats have two deeply flawed candidates.
Mrs. Clinton started as a deeply flawed candidate: the palpable and unpleasant sense of entitlement, the absence of a clear and optimistic message, the grating personality impatient to be done with the little people and overly eager for a return to power, real power, the phoniness and the exaggerations. These problems have not diminished over the long months of the contest. They have grown. She started out with the highest negatives of any major candidate in an open race for the presidency and things have only gotten worse.
And what of the reborn Adlai Stevenson? Mr. Obama is befuddled and angry about the national reaction to what are clearly accepted, even commonplace truths in San Francisco and Hyde Park. How could anyone take offense at the observation that people in small-town and rural American are "bitter" and therefore "cling" to their guns and their faith, as well as their xenophobia? Why would anyone raise questions about a public figure who, for only 20 years, attended a church and developed a close personal relationship with its preacher who says AIDS was created by our government as a genocidal tool to be used against people of color, who declared America's chickens came home to roost on 9/11, and wants God to damn America? Mr. Obama has a weakness among blue-collar working class voters for a reason.
I must boast here that I was a guerilla fighter for Operation Chaos long before El Rushbo marshaled the dittoheads. I cast a vote for Hillary, trying to keep her candidacy alive, in the Washington primary, which predates Limbaugh's Operation Chaos.
Labels: Barack Obama, Flawed Candidates, Hillary Clinton
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