Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Obama, Known By The Friends He Keeps

Barack Obama has tried to present himself as an opaque, two dimensional figure who repeats airy clichés that leave his fans swooning and permits the media to assign any meaning they choose. But, as a wise grandmother once said, show me your friends and I'll show you your future. We've met a few of Obama's unsavory friends. Frontpage Magazine introduces us to a few more, starting today.

Meet Father Michal Plfeger

Fr. Pfleger is very much a throwback to that time. One can hear it in the stridency of his sermons, which he delivers with a barking staccato that makes him sound like a prize-fight announcer. One can see it, as well, in the appeals he sometimes writes to his parishioners, which he signs with the now-quaint idiom of a New Left activist (“In the Pursuit of Justice”) and in the fire-and-brimstone zeal that sometimes crosses the line from provocation into outright belligerence. Even some of Fr. Pfleger’s supporters were discomfited when, during a May 2007 anti-gun rally at Chuck’s Gun Shop in Riverdale, Illinois, Pfleger issued the following threat to the store’s owner, John Riggio: “We’re gonna find you and snuff youth out.” Characteristic of his no-holds-barred style, Pfleger remains unapologetic about the incident.

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