Friday, May 30, 2008

What Does Peace Look Like To Democrats

According to John Kerry, it looks like this.

Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) believes that on September 11 "we were basically at peace."

Asked to clarify his remarks, specifically asking about the attacks on the U.S.S. Cole during Barack Obama campaign conference call, Kerry said, "well, we hadn't declared war," The Hill's Sam Youngman reports.

Asked if al Qaeda was a threat at the time, the 2004 Democratic presidential nominee said, "well yes, obviously they were a threat. But, fundamentally we were not at war at that point in time."

Kerry also called John McCain "out of step with history and facts."

(Editor's note: John Kerry thinks ANYBODY is out of step with history and facts?)

UPDATE: Responding to Kerry's claim, RNC spokesman Danny Diaz said: "It’s absolutely critical that the next Commander in Chief understands the challenges America faces. Yet it’s clear that Barack Obama has a thin understanding of history and fails to grasp the threat of terrorism."

"After a week’s worth of examples demonstrating Obama’s lack of preparedness to serve as president, his campaign is understandably desperate to shift the focus. Considering it’s now been 873 days since Obama visited Iraq, any suggestion that he even understands what’s happening on the ground is laughable."

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Americans forget way to fast! There were a few Generals, and a very few politicians who tried to get our government to take action against Bin Laden after he attacked the USS Cole. Our son was one of those murdered. We tried in vain to get two presidents to listen. They would not. They told us that my fears we ungrounded! Idiots all of them. They ridiculed the few military people and politicians who new that the Cole Attack was a prelude to a much larger attack. Its called "military warfare 101" Bin Laden went by the book. Hell! He could have written the book! And here we are 7 long years later still fighting two governments to get justice for those murdered sailors. Thank you for keeping the USS Cole attack in peoples minds!

7:54 AM  

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