New York Post Discovers Obama's Dictatorial Tendencies
I wonder if anyone at the NY Times ever bothers to read the Post to find out what's really happening.
What he is saying is that other governments around the world -- those tyrannical states that do not share our respect for the minority -- are better forms of government, better equipped to compete in this modern world.
This is a frightening new side of Barack Obama.
The humiliating causes of his frustration are obvious: the farce in Copenhagen and the difficult birth of health-care legislation in Congress.
Since his arrival on the national stage, Obama has been blessed with adversaries who overplay their hand claiming he is a "Manchurian candidate" out to destroy America from inside.
Obama won last year's historic election by rising above that nonsense.
His casting aspersions on the very genius of the American government because he can't get his way is cause for alarm.
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