Monday, December 21, 2009

Trial Lawyers Get Their Money's Worth

Democrats bought and paid for.

Judging by Federal Election Commission data on the political contributions of people associated with the top 15 class-action plaintiffs' law firms, it's no accident that malpractice reform is not part of health care "reform": Trial lawyers are investing heavily in their Democratic friends who control the White House and both chambers of Congress.

No wonder prostitutes are offended by comparisons to politicians.

Members of the world’s oldest profession are infuriated by the relentless and invidious likening of their industry to the world’s second oldest profession. Word on the street, literally, is that hookers are prepared to exact an apology for the defiling of their good names.

Even those not well acquainted with the whoring business should be able to appreciate the asymmetry between a freely bargained for and mutually beneficial exchange, versus extorting taxpayer funds in the service of tyrants.


Blogger Unknown said...

What gift was received? That consumer protected constitutional rights weren't taken away? How did you feel about the states rights amendment? Did you look at all of the political contributions, who's water were the opposition carrying? I would bet the people that can now get coverage and those that will be covered by a funded Medicare system will like what was done.

7:05 PM  

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