Monday, January 25, 2010

Eliminate Women's Studies

Good grief. If even the Canadians have the balls to do it, then surely somebody in this country could try it.

On a clear day last Nove mber, mourners gathered at Guelph University's Branion Plaza to honour the death of a beloved: the school's Women's Studies program.

Heads lowered and dressed in black, dozens of students and faculty tipped their eyes to tombstones that read 'R. I. P, Feminism' and converged around a casket that symbolically hosted the ill-fated discipline.

It was the eve of the program's 30th birthday, and the funeral was a dual image of both life and death: Life, in that more than 100 Women's Studies devotees staged the ceremony to showcase support for the program, and death, in that the discipline had been deemed unworthy of a future at the university.

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