Cheney Versus Biden Smackdown

If anymore evidence was needed to prove that the Obamatons are delusional, it was their decision to send Biden out to go one on one with Dick Cheney.
So whom does the White House send out against this formidable foreign policy advocate? The administration sends the gaffable Joe Biden, the most gaffe-prone figure in public life. If you are like me, you tune him in simply for a hearty laugh. Moreover, the White House puts Biden in an absurd position. He is scheduled for two Sunday morning rebuttals of Cheney's Sunday morning appearance on ABC's "This Week," one on CBS' "Face the Nation" and the other on NBC's "Meet the Press." But his NBC rebuttal was taped Saturday night from the Winter Olympics, before Biden had anything to rebut. It would be perhaps 12 hours before Biden even heard Cheney's criticism. Amusingly, "a senior White House official" told The Washington Post that the administration had chosen Biden for his ability to "hold the former vice president accountable to the facts in real time." Yes, this fantasist said the "facts."
Biden's unhappy experiences with the facts are legendary. I cherish his early autumn string of blunders committed during the 2008 campaign. Do you recall? During an interview with CBS' Katie Couric, Biden claimed that Franklin Roosevelt was president during the 1929 crash of the stock market and that Roosevelt immediately "got on television" to reassure the American people. Incidentally, when Biden uttered this preposterosity, Couric's face betrayed no hint she recognized that Herbert Hoover was president in 1929 or that there was no national television audience in existence; journalistic mediocrity meets political mediocrity.
Read more at the Washington Examiner:
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