The Final Nail In The Global Warm Mongers' Coffin?

Now even the emperor admits that he has no clothes. It’s only the mainstream news media and the disciples of big government who are still insisting that he is robed.
Phil Jones is the director of the Climate Research Unit at East Anglia University and, more importantly, he is the author of those climate models that the United Nations, Al Gore, Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama have relied upon to justify massive new taxes and intrusive regulations.
Phil Jones admitted to a BBC interviewer that since 1995 there has been no significant global warming. He also admitted that warming of the sort used to create the climate of hysteria that warm mongers have feasted upon has occurred previously. From 1975 (the end of the global cooling panic by the way) to 1998, the temperature has risen 0.166 Celsius. This is very similar to the rise seen from 1860 to 1880. In those 21 years the earth’s temperature rose by 0.163 C. And from 1910-1940 the temperature rose 0.150C.
I’m pretty well versed in history and I can report with considerable confidence that there were no SUV’s during those earlier warming episodes and that there was not a single coal-fired electrical power plant anywhere in the world in the 19th century.
Furthermore, Jones confessed that the Medieval Warm Period was significantly warmer than it is now. There were vineyards in Greenland after all. And that was long before the industrial revolution.
And even the data that warm mongers collected supporting the 1975 – 1998 period is suspect. John Christy is a professor of atmospheric science at the University of Alabama in Huntsville and, at least as importantly, he is a former lead author on the IPCC report on global warming. He’s now a skeptic, what Al Gore would derisively slur as a “denier.”
“The temperature records cannot be relied on as indicators of global change,” he said. The sites used to collect temperature data are contaminated by urbanization and other changes in land use.
“The story is the same for each one,” he said. “The popular data sets show a lot of warming but the apparent temperature rise was actually caused by local factors affecting the weather stations, such as land development.”
In addition he found that some recording sites had actually been moved. In all cases, he found that the changes had introduced biases in favor of higher temperatures.
More than two years ago, Christopher Horner filed a perfectly legitimate Freedom of Information request for information related to an apparent anomaly in NASA’s climate data collected since 2000. These anomalies appeared to inflate temperatures. Horner wanted the raw data examined by an expert with a proven record of exposing faulty data. He brought in Steve McIntyre, who had previously revealed the errors that had created the famous “hockey stick” chart that predicted a rapid rise in global temperatures. It’s no wonder NASA didn’t want to comply. Only when Horner threatened to sue did NASA comply with the request.
There was once a time when journalists would have reacted with curiosity when a government agency so flagrantly stonewalled. Now they are primarily interested in advancing a narrative. But, I digress.
And now that the information has been released, it reveals that NASA did indeed engage in data scrubbing. The information shows that NASA biased its presentations of data in support of the greatest regulatory intrusion in history – carbon emission control.
The warm mongers are losing control of the message. Just over a week ago, the New York Times joined other mainstream transcription services in reciting the official Gorewellian mantra that the severe cold and snow storms plaguing the Midwest and Middle Atlantic states were manifestations of global warming. These stories were met with predictable derision. The Times responded by asking psychologists and sociologists to probe the pathology that prevents the American mind from grasping such complicated concepts such as cold equals hot.
As Groucho Marx once asked: “Who are going to believe – me or your own lying eyes.”
Meanwhile, a recent Rasmussen Reports poll shows that global warm mongers are losing the argument. Only 35% of Americans believe in man made global warming. That’s about the same percentage who told an earlier Fox News poll that they believed in ghosts and UFO’s , showing that global warming advocacy belongs on the pages of supermarket tabloids.
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