Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Reid To Republicans - Reconciliation, Get Used To It

Harry Reid has clearly stepped off the deep end.

Reid answered questions about health care following the Democratic weekly policy luncheon, and seemed particularly irked by the question over whether reconciliation was the only way forward on getting a health care bill passed.

"The answer to that is no," Reid said abruptly. "But I have been told that my Republican friends are lamenting reconciliation. I would recommend to them to go back and look at history. Since 1981, reconciliation has been used 21 times—the vast majority of those reconciliation efforts have been by republicans. So nothing's off the table. We'll have to take a look at that.

"But realistically, they should stop crying about reconciliation as if it's never been done before. It's been done by almost every Congress, and they're the ones who have used it more than anyone else. Contract for America was done with reconciliation. Tax cuts, done with reconciliation. Medicare, done with reconciliation," Reid continued.

Harry Reid is either a bald faced liar or he's gone completely mad.


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