Why Obama Is Always Behind The Curve
Not only is he loathe to second guess himself, he has poor intuition in the first place.
[O]n what he identified as the biggest foreign and domestic issues, Obama's intuition has proved to be faulty. Things have not worked out as he hoped. And, though a president cannot micromanage everything, his deference to congressional Democratic leaders in determining the details of the stimulus, health care and cap-and-trade bills has proven politically disastrous.
Obama's two predecessors also suffered from failures of intuition. Bill Clinton recovered and got deserved credit for the 1996 welfare reform and the 1997 balanced-budget deal. George W. Bush recovered and deserves credit (though Joe Biden is claiming it now) for the success of the Iraq surge strategy.
Obama too may develop better intuition than he has shown so far. But first he has to acknowledge that a successful presidency requires more than the confidence conferred by a high IQ and fancy degrees.
Read more at the Washington Examiner: http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/politics/Obama-lacks-one-crucial-ingredient----intuition-84808412.html#ixzz0gBCxWVWL
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