Tuesday, March 30, 2010

ACLU Debunks ACLU Claim

Headline of the day.

ACLU debunks ACLU claim that federal courts have prosecuted 400 terrorists

Jonathan Hafetz, an attorney for the ACLU’s National Security Project, tells Fox News:

Federal courts have successfully prosecuted more than 400 terrorists; military commissions have prosecuted only three.

This claim has been debunked by the mythbusters over at…the ACLU. As Andy McCarthy has pointed out, “On its website, the ACLU pronounces that only 39 cases tried in federal courts were related to terrorism and the median sentence was just eleven months. As the organization elaborates in a “Myth v. Reality” feature:”

Read more at the Washington Examiner: http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/blogs/beltway-confidential/aclu-debunks-aclu-claim-that-federal-courts-have-prosecuted-400-terrorists-89505772.html#ixzz0jfUOBz4Z

This is the kind of thing that happens when the far left hand doesn't know what the extreme left hand is doing.


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