Barack Obama Batting .000
Zero for four in crises. His Gulf oil spill bumbling is the latest in a pattern.
So we have seen Four Crises as handled by The One in the last 6 months: The Fort Hood Massacre, Christmas Day Bomber, the Times Square Bomber, and the BP Oil Spill.
The president has underestimated the problem each time out.
Not all of these things are his fault — or the federal government’s. But each called for a reaction that was greater and later than the president gave.
The Christmas Day bomber went through Amsterdam security, not ours. The Times Square Bomber was a U.S. citizen. BP is responsible for its rig.
The presidential reaction in each case was in slow motion. The president failed to quickly see that this was an emergency and that cost him the ability to lead.
We saw this first with the jihadist major who slaughtered 13 people at Fort Hood — which was the government’s fault; we should never choose PC over security.
That day, the president came out of a meeting with Native Americans (photo op of the day; all presidents do this) and gave a press conference. His first words were not holy crap, there has been a massacre at Fort Hood, but rather a “shout out” to one of the participants in his photo op of the day.
The president was clueless as to the gravity of the situation. His “shout out” was inappropriate and it made the deaths of 13 people less important than the feelings of one tribal leader.
So was anyone surprised when he continued to vacation for 4 days before holding a brief press conference on the Christmas Day bomber?
The Times Square bombing came while he was playing the fool for the press at a snooty dinner in Washington. I don’t fault him that and staying out of the picture was fine because Mayor Bloomberg stepped up to the plate and New York City handled the matter, thank you very much.
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