Rahm Criticizes Emanuel Criticizes BP's Hayward For Sailing
While his boss plays golf. Emanuel thinks that playing golf while the oil flows is bad PR.
"This has just been part of a long line of PR gaffes and mistakes," White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel said in an interview taped for ABC's "This Week" week program, referring to Hayward...
..."Well, to quote Tony Hayward, he's got his life back, as he would say," Emanuel said, commenting on his attendance at the yacht race. "And I think we can all conclude that Tony Hayward is not going to have a second career in PR consulting."
"There's really a substance here that matters," Emanuel added. "That's clearly a PR mistake, but he's made a number of those mistakes. What's important is: are we capping the well? Are we capturing the oil? Are we containing the cleanup? Are we filing the claims? Are we also cleaning up the mess? That's what's important."
Meanwhile, on the links:
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