Monday, August 16, 2010

Bed Bugs Favor Democrats

Americans are turning on the Democratic Party, but they're not entirely friendless. It turns out that bed bugs favor Democrats by a six to one margin.

The New York City Bed Bug Crisis Of 2010 continues to garner headlines, as last week it was reported that the Time Warner Center suffered an infestation.

This comes on the heels of bed bug outbreaks at retailers like Abercrombie and Victoria's Secret.

So the New York Daily News has done a survey of whom the bed bugs have gone after. What they've found?

While 10% of New Yorkers have had to grapple with bed bugs at some point, the poor are hit particularly hard, with twice as many respondents making less than $50K/year having experienced a bout as those who make more than $50k. And in keeping with the demographics you'd expect, only 2% of Republican voters have been hit, while 12% of Democrats have.

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