Saturday, October 30, 2010

Illegal Aliens Doing The Work That Americans Won't - Supporting Democrats

We are often told by our betters that illegal aliens are essential to our economy because they do the work that Americans just won’t do anymore. Until recently, I didn’t believe that. But now I do see that there are illegal aliens doing work that Americans won’t do anymore right here in Washington. Illegal aliens are ringing doorbells, getting out the vote for Patty Murray.

Facing a rout of historic proportions, Democrats are falling back on their most reliable constituencies, illegal aliens and the dead.

There is not a great deal of enthusiasm within the Democratic ranks this year. The Democratic rank and file have seen their heroes fail to achieve promised goals or they have watched the legislation that was passed fail spectacularly. Democrats are not much interested in going to the polls, much less canvassing neighborhoods getting out the vote. As such, Democrats are resorting to less conventional foot soldiers.

One America Votes is a left wing, immigrant organization that has been able to recruit volunteers who are still willing to go door to door encouraging people to vote Democratic. And many of their canvassers are in the country illegally. That’s understandable. If only legal voters cast ballots in Washington, Dino Rossi would be governor.

And Democrats are not confining their efforts to Washington. In Arizona another leftist group, Mi Familia Vota is taking up the slack left by the demise of ACORN. Previously voter registration fraud was the duty of ACORN. But now much of that responsibility has been assigned to a new group - Mi Familia Vota. Mi Familia Vota has been trolling for votes among illegal immigrants and has submitted thousands of fraudulent voter registrations.

In Yuma County, Arizona Mi Familia Vota dropped 3000 voter registration forms on the Yuma Recorder’s office on the last day that voter registration forms could be legally accepted before the November 2 election. So far, 65% of registration forms have been rejected because the registrant was not a citizen, didn’t actually exist, or listed a nonexistent address as his place of residence. In addition, the registration forms that were presented were almost exclusively Democrat, a statistical unlikelihood not seen since 1960 when whole precincts in Chicago experienced 100% turnout and voted unanimously and in alphabetical order for Democratic presidential nominee John Kennedy.

Just for the record, it is illegal for any group to selectively register only one party. Any organization that conducts voter registration drives is required to accept anyone’s registration, regardless of party affiliation. It would appear that Mi Familia Vota elected not to observe that law, which is hardly surprising considering the organization’s parentage and alliances.

Colorado authorities had to reject more than 6000 voter registrations submitted by Mi Familia Vota suspected of being fraudulent.

Elsewhere in Arizona Mi Familia Vota has registered over 20,000 “voters” and has signed up another 43,000 for early voting.

For the record, Mi Familia Vota is a subsidiary of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), otherwise known as the “Purple People Beaters” for their favored uniform shirt (a purple tee-shirt) and their predilection to violence and intimidation.

In the meantime, Obama’s Attorney General, Eric Holder, is refusing to enforce Section 8 of the 1993 Motor Voter act. Motor Voter represented a dramatic easing of voter registration laws that almost guaranteed that there would be more vote fraud. The one concession that Republicans managed to ring out of the Democrats was a clause that required states to regularly purge their voter rolls of registered voters who had moved out of the state or had died or who for some other reason were no longer eligible to vote in that state.

One year ago Deputy Assistant Attorney General Julie Fernandes stated flatly that Eric Holder’s Justice Department had “no interest in enforcing Section 8,” arguing that, “Section 8 denied ballot access rather than increase turnout.”

Section 8 denies the voting rights of dead people. It denies people the opportunity to cast votes in two or more states. And it denied the voting rights of fraudsters who would cast vote in the names of other people. But Section 8 denies no one the right to cast a legal vote. Clearly it is the intent of Obama’s Department of Justice to enable voter fraud.

And so we have a concerted effort to get the dead and illegal aliens to do the job that Americans just won’t do this Tuesday – vote Democratic.


Blogger Brittanicus said...


All I know about Senator Harry Reid, Barbara Boxer and generally--ALL--Liberal Democrats are that they are genuflecting to illegal aliens and an Liberal-Dem Incumbent returns means Amnesty for the 13 to 20 million living here. Reid has affirmed that in the Lame Duck session of the Senate he will pass this abhorrent Amnesty to criminals. What remains is the silence, about the cost of $2.6 Trillion dollars (Heritage Foundation), to make it comfortable for illegal aliens which will come out of taxpayers’ pockets; added to the 13. 5 Trillion Federal Debt we already have accumulated. The far left progressives have already voted for the illegal invasion and to extend our Social Security to them, even the ones who never paid into the system (May 2007) GOOGLE—On The Issues website. WE ARE DIGGING OUR OWN FINANCIAL GRAVES WITH REID IN SENATE AND BOXER.

Under another reign of the Liberal Democrats, America might just as well open the border gates wide; demolish the half-completed fence between our Southern border and the other side. Then have Senator Harry Reid, Barbara Boxer, Russell Feingold, Jerry Brown, standing at each entrance handing out maps, welfare chits, a brand new Social security cards, a drivers’ license and about $600 dollars of taxpayer money. Hey! Reid says we can take more foreigners into our midst, as we only have 15 million citizens and legal residents, looking for a job, while 8.6 illegal nationals are gainfully employed. Have every Democrats lackey stand outside each border hospital and proffer to every pregnant woman, who reached America a brand new birth certificate, for the potential instant citizenship baby, a check for the public benefit line and a signup sheet for low income Section 8 housing—so the whole family can join them.

2:38 PM  
Blogger Brittanicus said...

Additionally, for every child they now have from now on, food stamps, cash payments and a medicade card for future pregnancies. The wives can churn out more children to become immediate citizens and swell our schools to overload, where nobody is learning because the teachers have to first contend with children, where English is a second language. In California where 18.9 percent of the kids drop-out of high school, because many teachers don't comprehend English, as they have been recruited from South of the border. Democrats could lay-off the US Border patrol, the DEA, ICE and other policing authorities, so that the uneducated, those carrying contagious diseases, the destitute and other foreign peons could take the jobs of our own impoverished workforce.

Maybe the Catholic Church and other religious groups will take the illegal nationals into their homes, feed them. Perhaps we should place notices in every barrio, ghetto around the world and have these nonsensically politicians procure military aircraft, to fly in every foreign national, every criminal and terrorist into our nation. Have fleets of buses waiting to transport them, to every corner of America, with stop-offs at hospitals for the sick, mentally handicapped and old. We should have ambulances waiting at the border or airport terminals, to drive those individual who must get immediate dialysis, prescription drugs or a major surgery. With the Obama's new medical care reform most of these special issues will be recognized, as illegal aliens will have no insurance or any ability to pay for physician’s treatment.

They walk away completely free of paying and once again the taxpayer-patsy will get the bill, while citizens will be chased down by obnoxious debt collectors. Taxpayers can foot the bill as they have always done and my guess always will, unless these corrupt politicians on both sides of the aisle in Washington actually work for the American people. That’s why THE PEOPLE'S TEA PARTY has risen in a revolution, to halt the corruption and greed of both parties. GOOGLE—NumbersUSA website and Judicial Watch and learn about the deep seated corruption Google—Illegal alien costs and read highly regarded reports from unbiased sources.

If we vote back the hidden Liberals, it will be self inflicted wounds. Attention should be drawn to illegal aliens voting, as Senator Reid's is there only real chance of the passage of---AMNESTY.

2:39 PM  

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