Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Nancy Pelosi Won't Run For Speaker Again?

That's what one Democrat claims. Of course, he might be hoping that she gets sick and dies. But from what I understand, what she chooses won't much matter.
A House Democratic lawmaker said late last week that he'd heard Nancy Pelosi wouldn't seek another term as Speaker.
Rep. Mike McIntyre (D-N.C.) said that not only would he not back Pelosi (D-Calif.) for Speaker again, but also that he'd heard she would not seek another term in that position.

"From what we're hearing, she's probably not going to run for Speaker again," McIntyre told WWAY-TV in North Carolina. "And if she does, I'm confident she's going to have opposition, and I look forward to supporting that opposition."
What he probably wants probably won't matter either.


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