Monday, November 08, 2010

Will The New Republican Majority Be Led By The Guys Who Made Them A Minority Party?

It will be interesting to see if the Republicans have learned anything. John Boehner's choices for committee chairmanships should tell us.
House Speaker-in-waiting John Boehner of Ohio is making critically important decisions this week that will go far toward determining whether his tenure as Nancy Pelosi's successor is marked by reform and progress or rebellion and lost opportunities. None of those decisions is more critical than who he backs as the new Republican committee chairmen in the House of Representatives. If he opts for a conventional approach that allows seniority to determine chairmanships, Boehner will seriously damage his credibility with voters who made crystal clear their demand for a new approach in Congress. Following tradition will also severely limit Boehner's ability to lead the freshman class, the group likely to have the greatest influence on the direction of the House in 2011.

Read more at the Washington Examiner:


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