Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Nancy Pelosi Tries Her Hand At Comedy

Everybody's getting into the act. Well, the leftists saw their politics rejected and its well documented that you don't have to possess talent to succeed as a leftist comedienne.
Nancy Pelosi says Obama created more jobs in 2010 than G. W. Bush did in eight years. In a post-State of the Union speech interview, the fired speaker and current minority leader was quick to dish out more Democrat propaganda to shore up what she thought was an excellent SotU speech by the president. Proving the Democrats are anything but for a new, civil tone, contrary to the calls for just that by Obama, Pelosi also tore into the GOP, defaming them as the “Just Say No To Jobs Party” for their repeated opposition to Obama’s “job-creating” initiatives in his first two years. To cap her provocative interview, Pelosi then touted the apparent “higher ground” that she said her party took, after she just misrepresented facts and name-called her GOP colleagues.


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