Thursday, May 05, 2011

San Francisco Pinkos Not Happy About Osama Bin Laden's Demise

Okay, so they're not partisan, just anti-American. It's just that anti-Americanism's natural home is in the Democratic Party.
On the East Coast, and especially in New York and Washington, D.C., the mood was one of spontaneous celebration, combined with an upwelling of difficult and complicated memories of the Sept. 11 attacks.
Here in the Bay Area, there is also support — but it is accompanied by skepticism about the legitimacy of the war on terrorism, the truthfulness of the government’s account and the appropriateness of celebrating violence.
The differing perceptions appear to be an extension of the political schism between the Bay Area and much of the country, one that, to critics, exposes an easy naiveté, even when it comes to the demise of a man who killed thousands of Americans.
 On the East Coast, and especially in New York and Washington, D.C., the mood was one of spontaneous celebration, combined with an upwelling of difficult and complicated memories of the Sept. 11 attacks.

Here in the Bay Area, there is also support — but it is accompanied by skepticism about the legitimacy of the war on terrorism, the truthfulness of the government’s account and the appropriateness of celebrating violence.

The differing perceptions appear to be an extension of the political schism between the Bay Area and much of the country, one that, to critics, exposes an easy naiveté, even when it comes to the demise of a man who killed thousands of Americans.
On the East Coast, and especially in New York and Washington, D.C., the mood was one of spontaneous celebration, combined with an upwelling of difficult and complicated memories of the Sept. 11 attacks.
Here in the Bay Area, there is also support — but it is accompanied by skepticism about the legitimacy of the war on terrorism, the truthfulness of the government’s account and the appropriateness of celebrating violence.
The differing perceptions appear to be an extension of the political schism between the Bay Area and much of the country, one that, to critics, exposes an easy naiveté, even when it comes to the demise of a man who killed thousands of Americans.


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