Thursday, June 30, 2011

Obama Excoriates Republicans For His Stimulus Package

The last time I checked, not a single Republican voted in favor of Barack Hussein Obama's 2009 Porkulus bill. But now he's blaming them for provisions in that bill?
"I've said to some of the Republican leaders, 'You go talk to your constituents -- the Republican constituents -- and ask them," Obama said, "are they willing to compromise their kids' safety so that some corporate jet owner continues to get a tax break? And I'm pretty sure what the answer would be."

But how are corporate jets preventing Washington from keeping children safe?

Politics, of course. A few years ago, we had a president who wanted to pass some tax breaks in the name of stimulating the economy. He thought it would be a great idea to let corporations depreciate the cost of their company jets more quickly. Allowing a faster depreciation would help the companies as well as aircraft manufacturers, who were hurting for business. That president's name was Barack Obama.

In 2009, as part of the stimulus, Obama supported accelerated depreciation for many corporate assets, including jet aircraft. The Associated Press reported in 2009 that the accelerated depreciation for corporate jets was first used after 9/11 and, according to an industry study, increased sales by 43 percent. It was widely viewed two years ago, including by the administration, as a proven way to help the economy by stimulating purchases of American-made jets.
Maybe he doesn't like it because it just might be the only provision of his stimulus bill that worked!


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