Friday, July 22, 2011

Mutually Assured Destruction?

Bernie Goldberg thinks that conservatives should bring their dialog down to the level of Bill Maher and Jon Stewart.
Mr. Goldberg feels it is about time for conservatives to get in the gutter with liberals. Conservatives should accuse liberals of racism the minute they open their mouths and criticize a minority conservative for any reason. Any criticism of Herman Cain should lead to the race card being played.

Even though Mr. Goldberg knows Mr. Stewart is only a bigot and not a racist, the charge of racism should be leveled anyway to teach Mr. Stewart and his ilk a lesson.

Mr. Goldberg's anger and frustration is totally justified. Yet his prescription must not be implemented.
Conservatives are tired of liberals yelling racism, sexism, homophobia, and other scurrilous charges at conservatives just for existing and breathing air. Giving them a taste of their own medicine would seem like sweet revenge indeed.

This line of thought is pure poison.
I don't know if I agree or not. I would respond to liberals in kind, but in a way that makes it clear that it's pure mockery.

The funny thing is that Jon Stewart did a very funny skit on his show making fun of the way that liberals overuse the "race card."


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