Sunday, August 28, 2011

Obama's Regulatory State Smothering Economic Growth

Barack Obama has tried everything to stimulate economic growth, except for giving the economy room to grow.
One doesn't have to look far for an explanation of why the economy grew at an anemic 1 percent rate during the last quarter. 
Businesses large and small face more uncertainty today about the federal regulatory environment than at any point since the New Deal radically increased the role of the government in the nation's economy. Thanks to Obamacare and the Dodd-Frank financial reform law, plus President Obama's decision to use bureaucratic regulation to start major initiatives like cap and trade that Congress refused to pass, the federal bureaucracy has been drafting new regulations at an unprecedented pace. Seeing this tsunami of red tape flooding out of Washington, company owners and executives wisely opt to delay new hires and investments until they have a clearer idea how much their already huge compliance costs will increase and how the markets will be warped by changes mandated by the bureaucrats.


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