Friday, September 23, 2011

Obama Proves Incapable Of Learning

Burned by the Solyndra scandal, Obama repeats his mistakes. Of course, he probably doesn't feel burned because the mainstream news media have sheltered him so far. That might be changing now.
President Barack Obama will raise money in early October with a Missouri businessman whose company benefited from a $107 million federal tax credit to develop a wind power facility in his state. 

Tom Carnahan, a scion of Missouri’s most prominent Democratic political family, is listed on Obama’s campaign website as a host of a $25,000-per-person fundraiser to be held in St. Louis on October 4.

His energy development firm, Wind Capital Group, was helped by a sizable credit authorized in the stimulus, for an energy project in northwest Missouri. 

Republicans argue that it’s inappropriate for the Obama campaign to raise money from a donor who has benefited directly from the Recovery Act.

Undoubtedly, some of the money Obama will be racking in came originally from your pocket and mine.


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