Friday, November 25, 2011

We Need More Corrupt Crony Capitalism

The fallout from the Solyndra debacle is, in many ways, sadly predictable. Republicans are pointing fingers at the Obama administration for giving the now-bankrupt solar company a $535 million loan as part of its stimulus program. Democrats note that the loan-guarantee program was first established by former Republican President George W. Bush and his Department of Energy (DOE). The upshot: The possibility of any kind of government support to future clean-tech companies is now at risk, just as private investors are becoming even less likely to fund such projects themselves.
Of course, one reason that private investors are getting out of this market is that it doesn't work.

Government doesn't care if it works or not. It's not their money being wasted. And in the case of Democrats, it's more important that donors get rewarded that taxpayer money be taken care of.


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