Sunday, December 25, 2011

Atheist Bigots

Obstruct display of nativity scenes. Just another example of liberal tolerance.
Every Christmas for the past 60 years, Nativity scenes have dominated two blocks of a park on bluffs overlooking the ocean in Santa Monica, California.

The 14 scenes depicting Jesus Christ's birth have long been a popular attraction among area residents and tourists to the southern California city.

This year, however, atheists have taken over most of the two-block stretch, nearly shutting out and angering a group of churches who contend the atheists have organized against the Christians and gamed a city lottery process allocating the holiday exhibit space.


Blogger Brian Westley said...

So you're OK when the city, for 60 years, allows Christians to "dominated two blocks of a park," but when the city finally changes to a fair lottery system and the atheists happen to win, it's the atheists who are bigots?

2:37 PM  
Blogger Michael said...

You may want to look up the definition of the word "bigot." It has to do with intolerance. What harm was done by two blocks of religious symbolism? None. I suspect that even most atheists didn't care. Only a few intolerant bigots found this display so offensive that they had to take steps to protect themselves from having to view it.

2:33 AM  
Blogger Brian Westley said...

You may want to look up the definition of the word "bigot." It has to do with intolerance.

Yes, like one group getting all the space for 60 years.

What harm was done by two blocks of religious symbolism? None.

What harm is done by two blocks of emptiness? None.

Only a few intolerant bigots found this display so offensive that they had to take steps to protect themselves from having to view it.

They took part in a lottery, it wasn't fixed. I guess god prefers atheists.

10:47 AM  

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