Monday, January 30, 2012

College Presidents Prepare To Get Screwed

By Obama. But they'll still all vote for him in November.

This is rich. College costs have been driven skyward by liberal Democrat schemes and subsidies and now the most liberal Democrat of all, who probably supported every one of those schemes and was disappointed that more wasn't done is now criticizing the results his party imposed.
Fuzzy math, Illinois State University's president called it. "Political theater of the worst sort," said the University of Washington's head. 

President Obama's new plan to force colleges and universities to contain tuition or face losing federal dollars is raising alarm among education leaders who worry about the threat of government overreach. Particularly sharp words came from the presidents of public universities; they're already frustrated by increasing state budget cuts. 

To be honest, if I were in charge, college would cost a lot less, because I'd get rid of all the politically correct department, relieve most professors of their research appointments (most are incapable of producing any scholarship of lasting value) and I'd hire more teaching faculty with Master's degrees or even Bachelor's if they have good experience. 
Tenure would be a thing of the past. Higher education has grown to become a bloated, top heavy, lactating sow that exists for liberals to suckle from. A lot of people earning six figure salaries at colleges and universities are less capable than the guy who flips your burger at McDonald's.


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