Friday, January 13, 2012

Elizabeth Warren - The One Percenter

Elizabeth Warren is raking in millions - from evil Wall Street bankers.
Republican Scott Brown revealed Tuesday that his campaign had raised a staggering $3.2 million in the 4th quarter of 2011. This clearly was proof of Brown's cravenness and the crusading virtue of his opponent Elizabeth Warren.

"It’s no surprise that Wall Street and the big banks continue to finance Scott Brown’s campaign," Mass. Dem spokesman Kevin Franck responded, "because he continues to put their interests first, ahead of middle-class Massachusetts families."

But, wait, Warren raised nearly 50 percent more than Brown, a jaw-droppng $5.7 million in the 4th quarter. What's more, this is the second straight quarter in which Warren outraised Brown. Did this all come from middle-class Massachusetts families, or which special interests is Warren putting first?

The Boston Herald asked Warren if she's refusing banker money, and she answered no, the Wall Streeters who are donating to her are those who "want reform." "There are people on Wall Street who actually believe we need better rules, fairer rules." The way you prove you want reform? You give money to Warren. As Jim Antle at the American Spectator puts it "Elizabeth Warren Wants Good Wall Street Cash."
No big deal. It's just an old Boston left-wing tradition.


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