Thursday, April 12, 2012

"She Never Worked A Day In Her Life"

Democrats start their assault on Mitt Romney's wife.
What you have is Mitt Romney running around the country saying, “Well, my wife tells me what women really care about are economic issues.” And, “When I listen to my wife, that’s what I’m hearing.” Guess what? His wife has never actually worked a day in her life. She’s never really dealt with the economic issues that a majority of the women in this country are facing—in terms of how do we feed our kids, how do we send them to school, and how do—why we worry about their future.
In the same breath Rosen ironically says:
... there’s something much more fundamental about Mitt Romney—he just seems so old-fashioned when it comes to women, and I think that comes across, and I think that’s going to hurt him over the long term. He just doesn’t really see us as equal.
Somehow, I doubt that we'll hear the mainstream news media attempt to stoke up the "war on motherhood" line.


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