Saturday, June 23, 2012

Barack Obama's Made Up Memories

In 1980, the Washington Post's most famous fabulist, Janet Cooke, won the Pulitzer Prize for feature writing, for her article titled, "Jimmy's World," the story of an 8 year old heroin addict.

It turned out that she had made it all up.

Barack Hussein Obama Kardashian scribbled a "memoir" titled "Dreams From My Father. He won a British book award. He won a Grammy for his spoken recording of the book. The New York Times book critic called it "the most evocative, lyrical and candid autobiography written by a future president.

Most people would call it bullshit.
It’s becoming increasingly clear that President Obama is not burdened with too heavy a commitment to honesty.

This is hardly a shock about any politician, but revelations of dishonesty hurt some more than others. Announce that Bill Clinton has been speaking falsely, and it hits the ears with as much force as the news that birds fly, fish swim and dogs lick their own nether regions.

But Obama was supposed to be different. He was a “lightworker,” an ocean tamer and cynicism slayer. In short, he was supposed to be too good to be true — and it turns out he was.
That’s one obvious conclusion to be drawn from the all-too-delayed vetting of the president’s biography, most notably in David Maraniss’ aptly titled new book, “Barack Obama: The Story.” 

Obama has been less than honest about many things. Some of his biggest distortions should be the subject of sustained soul- searching on the part of the media. For instance, as New York Times reporter Janny Scott first reported over a year ago, Obama lied about his cancer-stricken mother being denied coverage for her pre-existing condition. Yes, he was close to the Rev. Jeremiah Wright and former terrorist Bill Ayers. Yes, he was a member of the socialist New Party (as my National Review colleague Stanley Kurtz has documented).

In the spirit of charity, some of the lies can be chalked up, at least in part, to fanciful family narratives. Obama claims his maternal grandfather fought in Patton’s army and liberated Nazi death camps. He says his paternal grandfather was tortured by the British imperialists in Kenya. He’s claimed his Indonesian stepgrandfather was killed by the Dutch while fighting for independence. 

None of that is true.

What I find more interesting are the lies Obama tells not so much about himself, but about society. In “Dreams from My Father,” Obama tells readers that he struggled with racism and racial alienation all his life. He wasn’t a starter on his high school basketball team because he played “black” while his coach coached “white.” He confabulated a black friend in high school who, like himself, was shunned for racial reasons. He wrote of a “big fight” with a white ex-girlfriend who, after seeing a racially charged play, “started talking about why black people were so angry all the time.”
All of it, bullshit.


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