Monday, June 25, 2012

A Scent Of Coverup

“I think the scent of a cover-up is pretty strong,” Hume said. “The documents are being withheld — I don’t think there is any evidence that this is not executive privilege made because of presidential communications, which is where the strongest privilege lies, are involved here. This is internal Justice Department deliberations that, so far as we know, don’t involve the president or the White House. And what the Justice Department is saying is we got to have confidentiality here and not have Congress snooping in our internal deliberations. Well, the courts recognized some privilege in that area but not much, and I think it is basically a frivolous claim.”

According to Hume, Congress has acted legitimately during its investigation of Fast and Furious, despite the several criticisms of overreach.

“There was a false letter sent here and evidence of cover-up,” he continued. “The committee is trying to get to the bottom of it and see who said what to whom and when and what the process was. This is the kind of things that investigating committees in Congress are entitled to, where executive agencies which are creatures of Congress by the way — they’re part of the executive and created by Congress and funded by Congress, are supposed to investigate. But the effect of it will be to delay matters until probably after the election. That I think satisfies the Obama White House and the Holder Justice Department’s purpose here, which is to put this off.”


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