Friday, July 27, 2012

A Timeline Of Democrat Tax Return Twisting

Mitt Romney should release his tax returns. Democrats shouldn't have to release theirs.
Pelosi also weighed in on the pressure on presumptive GOP nominee Mitt Romney to release additional years of tax returns.
“The American people seem to want to know,” Pelosi said. “His father set the standard for transparency. ... This is a tradition that he is breaking not only personal in his family but for candidates for president of the United States. You want to run for president, the ante is upped.”
Facing questions about why she and other top Congressional officials won’t release their tax returns, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) downplayed her previous demands for presumptive GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney to release his, calling the issue a distraction. . . .
“We spent too much time on that. We should be talking about middle-income tax cuts,” Pelosi said after answering two questions about the issue. . . .
“Some people think the same standard should be held to the ownership of the news media in the country who are writing these stories about all of this. What do you think of that?” she asked.
Congressional leaders were defiant Thursday that Capitol Hill lawmakers should not release their tax returns — even as Democrats kept demanding Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney release his.


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