Jon Corzine's Still Escaping Prosecution
It's amazing what you can purchase from the Obama Administration for a million bucks.
As the march to the November elections heats up, voters can expect to find fewer and fewer issues that unite Democrats and Republicans.
Yet one emerging issue appears to be gathering enough steam to produce a rare point of bipartisan agreement: the Justice Department’s unwillingness or inability to charge, prosecute and seek conviction of a single Wall Street executive in the wake of the largest financial collapse in U.S. history.
One of the most glaring examples of the cronyism that has ground the process to a halt can be seen in the lack of any real action against former MF Global chief Jon Corzine.
Sixty-five members of Congress have signed a letter to Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. requesting that he appoint a special prosecutor to investigate MF Global’s collapse and the loss of $1.6 billion in customer money. As the New York Times has noted, “Mr. Holder has the ultimate authority to decide whether a special counsel is necessary.”
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