Thursday, August 30, 2012

"Chicago" Equals "Racism"

Matthews then demonstrates his mind-numbing ability to take an idiotic statement, amplify it, and subsequently make it exponentially more idiotic coming from his mouth, when he said this:
"Yea, well let me ask you about that gentleman.  What about now, is this constant barrage of assaults, saying the guy is basically playing an old game of demagoguery politics, where you take the money from the worker bees and give it to the poor people to buy votes.  That's basically what they're charging him with.  Old big-style, big-city machine of 50 years ago."

He added, "They keep saying Chicago by the way, have you noticed?  They keep saying Chicago.  That's another thing that sends that message - this guy's helping the poor people in the bad neighborhoods, screwing us in the 'burbs."
Hielemann helpfully interpreted Matthews statement, presumably for those too challenged to understand basic words (or as we in the business refer to them - Hardball viewers), by making this jaw-dropping statement:
"There's a lot of black people in Chicago."


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