Saturday, September 22, 2012

Elizabeth Warren Out Of Her League

Al Bundy, in the television comedy "Married With Children" lived forever in the one moment of glory in his life - the high school football game in which he scored four touchdowns. 

Elizabeth Warren's moment of glory also came in high school, when she was Oklahoma's "legendary high school debater."
Granny (Elizabeth) Warren is described in one of her bios as a “legendary high school debater in Oklahoma.”

She’s not in high school anymore.

The kid from the poor side of town handled her with ease, landing one blow after another. You could see how thin-skinned she really is. She’s not used to having anybody talk back to her.

When he was pummeling her on the asbestos litigation, and her $225,000 payday, and on the $700,000 she and her husband make from Harvard, she seemed on the verge of losing it. But Scott didn’t go for the knockout — that never works in a debate for a guy. Just ask Rick Lazio.

My favorite line was when he said, “Can you imagine a Senate with 100 Professor Warrens?”

I can’t imagine 100 Professor Warrens anywhere, except in a nightmare.


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