Thursday, February 07, 2013

Obama Didn't Give A Shit About Benghazi Victims

According to Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, Obama had only one very brief conversation with him regarding the Benghazi terrorist attack, that he never followed up on . And why should he? He had a fundraiser in Vegas baby!

It's about priorities!
In today’s hearing on Benghazi at the Senate Armed Forces Committee, New Hampshire Republican Kelly Ayotte asked about the president’s personal involvement, finding out that the president only had one conversation with Defense Secretary Leon Panetta or General Martin Dempsey on 9/11, the day of the Benghazi attack. In that conversation, according to Panetta, President Obama told them to “do whatever you need to do to be able to protect our people”. The president didn’t, according to Panetta, ask for any specifics on what kind of response was possible. And, as Ayotte found out, the president never called to follow up.


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