Monday, March 18, 2013

Anthony Weiner Plots His Revenge Against - Nancy Pelosi

This should be fun - except for the Hillary Clinton as president part. 
Disgraced pol Anthony Weiner is potentially climbing back into politics after recently spending more than $100,000 on campaign consulting and polling — and sources tell Page Six that one person he’s looking to prove wrong about him is House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi,who urged him to resign in 2011. “Weiner is still fuming over his downfall, and he blames Nancy Pelosi,” said a source. After Weiner’s sexting scandal, he announced he was going to get psychological treatment and take a leave from the House, but Pelosi released a statement calling for him to resign after he’d informed her of his plan to deal with the situation. Our source further adds, “Weiner has recently been telling pals that ‘when Hillary is president,’ he will get his revenge.” Weiner’s wife, Huma Abedin, is a longtime Clinton aide.


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