Sunday, December 29, 2013

Obamacare Success Story

Obama fires an arrow. Draws a circle around it, then claims that he hit the bulls eye.
More than 1.1 million people enrolled in ObamaCare before a December 24 deadline for consumers seeking healthcare plans that begin Jan. 1, the Obama administration said early Sunday.

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Administrator Marilyn Tavenner said in a blog post that more than 975,000 people enrolled in a qualified health plan through the federal marketplace in December, following a rocky rollout in October.

Detailed demographics were not released.

Tavenner called the late surge “welcome.”

“Our enrollment nearly doubled in the days before the January 1 coverage deadline compared to the first few weeks of the month,” she said. “December enrollment so far is over 7 times that of October and November. In part, this was because we met our marks on improving the site supported 83,000 concurrent users on December 23rd alone.”
"Detailed demographics not released?" Of course they weren't. They'll show that all Obamcare accomplished is that Medicaid enrollments have in increased. The young and the healthy who are needed to subsidize the Medicaid surge are not enrolling.


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