Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Al Gore Brings His Wit and Wisdom To The Obama Campaign

Extreme Mortman has the details.

At first we were surprised that Al Gore endorsed so early in the contest. It’s only June, and he’s already made his mind to support Barack Obama.

Then we realized why he made the courageous act to rush out his announcement: it’s because he’s got killer material, but it’s quite topical.

From Gore’s endorsement speech last night:

If you care about food safety, if you like a T on your BLT, you know that elections matter.

Hilarious. Bush to blame for salmonella. If only Gore had some funny way to blame Bush for the Iowa floods. Sure beats kissing a pig at the Iowa state fair.

Or kissing a pet, as evidenced by this Gore line also from last night:

After the last eight years, even our dogs and cats have learned that elections matter.

Hilarious again. No, you wouldn’t wanted to sit on jokes with a shelf line so short.

Go get ‘im Al — maybe there’s still more Supreme Court jokes in you.

He's still got that rip-tootin' touch!

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