Sunday, June 01, 2008

How Long Will Obama Continue To Deny Success?

If even the Washington Post gets it, will the New York Times be next? The Times has managed to concede that the economy is a lot better than they had hoped for.

HERE'S BEEN a relative lull in news coverage and debate about Iraq in recent weeks -- which is odd, because May could turn out to have been one of the most important months of the war. While Washington's attention has been fixed elsewhere, military analysts have watched with astonishment as the Iraqi government and army have gained control for the first time of the port city of Basra and the sprawling Baghdad neighborhood of Sadr City, routing the Shiite militias that have ruled them for years and sending key militants scurrying to Iran. At the same time, Iraqi and U.S. forces have pushed forward with a long-promised offensive in Mosul, the last urban refuge of al-Qaeda. So many of its leaders have now been captured or killed that U.S. Ambassador Ryan C. Crocker, renowned for his cautious assessments, said that the terrorists have "never been closer to defeat than they are now."

I find it odd when a mainstream media outlet like the Washington Post considers it odd that there has been a lull in news coverage of Iraq. I mean, doesn't the Washington Post control its own content? If the Post wanted news from Iraq on its pages, then why doesn't it just publish it?

Of course, it could just be that the MSM doesn't want to report good news from Iraq until after the election.

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