Sunday, July 19, 2009

Do You Trust Obama To Control Internet Content?

If Barack Hussein Obama has his way, he'll be able to take down any opinions that he doesn't like.

Obama has appointed Cass Sustein to lead his Orwellian-titled “White House Office Of Information And Regulatory Affairs.” Cass Sustein thinks that the government should exert more control over what appears on blogs and such.

Perhaps most disturbing is Mr. Sunstein’s vision for the future of web content, as he argues for a so-called “notice and take down” law. Under this provision, those who operate websites - - The Washington Post, radio stations, private bloggers, and perhaps even you, yourself -we would all be required “take down falsehoods upon notice” from the U.S. government.

Before you accuse me of paranoia, I would refresh your memory of Obama's Missouri truth squads who threatened people with criminal charges if they said or posted anything that Obama didn't like.

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