Tuesday, September 30, 2003

Maybe Now Liberals Will Start Hating the French

Maybe Now Liberals Will Start Hating the French

The French are making a killing by obscuring health warnings on cigarette packs. Will this offend the Left?

Wesley Clark, Smarter Than Einstein?

Wesley Clark, Smarter Than Einstein?

"I still believe in e=mc², but I can't believe that in all of human history, we'll never ever be able to go beyond the speed of light to reach where we want to go," said Clark. "I happen to believe that mankind can do it. I've argued with physicists about it, I've argued with best friends about it. I just have to believe it. It's my only faith-based initiative."
"Even if Clark becomes president, I doubt it would be within his powers to repeal the powers of physics," said Melnick, senior astrophysicist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.

Surprise! Surprise! Wilson's a Liar!

Surprise! Surprise! Wilson's a Liar!

Former ambassador James Wilson, whose exhaustive investigation into Iraq's attempts to purchase uranium ore consisted of sitting on his fat ass, drinking tea in Niger, made it up when he accused Karl Rove of leaking his wife's name to the Bob Novak.

"In one speech I gave out in Seattle not too long ago, I mentioned the name Karl Rove," Wilson told ABC's Good Morning America. "I think I was probably carried away by the spirit of the moment."

Much Ado About Nothing

Much Ado About Nothing

The very fact that it took two months for anybody to get very bothered by the supposed leak by the White House regarding Joseph Wilson's wife being a CIA employee was informative itself. Apparently, this was not a big deal. But, a blood hungry media has decided to make something out of nothing.
Apparently, it wasn't much a secret that Wilson's wife worked for the CIA. Clifford May knew it and considered it common knowlege.
Bob Novak contests the assumption that "senior Whitehouse Officials" gave him the information. He even checked with the CIA who did not seem terribly bothered that he might publish her name.
But, so eager is the media to create a scandal that they even treat as credible, Wilson's unsubstantiated charge that Karl Rove was the source.
At some point, it would be nice if the press gave some attention to Wilson's own description of his investigation as, "eight days drinking sweet mint tea and meeting with dozens of people" at the U.S. embassy in Niger. Based on those conversations, he concluded that "it was highly doubtful that any [sale of uranium from Niger to Iraq] had ever taken place."

Just When You Thought it Couldn't Get Any Worse

Just When You Thought it Couldn't Get Any Worse

The rock band, Hell on Earth, was promising an on-stage suicide at its Saturday, October 4th. concert in St. Petersburg, Florida. Previous stunts by this band include grinding up live rats in a blender, so who knows how low they can sink.
In any event, the city of St. Petersburg pass an ordinance making it illegal to conduct a suicide for commercial or entertainment purposes.
I have no doubt that the local ACLU will try to overturn the law on free speech grounds or something.

Monday, September 29, 2003

The Great Man, In His Own Words

The Great Man, In His Own Words

To get an idea of how easy it is to become the Democratic frontrunner these days, take a look at just a few of Wesley Clark's pearls of wisdom, after just one week as the Democratic frontrunner.

Friday, September 26, 2003

Will The Democratic Party Suffer the Same Fate?

Will The Democratic Party Suffer the Same Fate?

Surely that accumulation of too bullshit will cause something similar to this.

Hillary Stands Shoulder to Shoulder With George W. Bush

Hillary Stands Shoulder to Shoulder With George W. Bush

There has been one voice shrieking, angry, irrational left and the subject of war with Iraq And, it's their shrillest voice - Hillary Clinton. She believes our president on the issue of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction.
I saw her fellow New York Senator, Charles Schumer, on the tube the other day, and he agreed with Bush too.
Incidentally, on that same show (The O'Reilly Factor), Chuckie Schumer denied having heard or read Ted Kennedy's embarrassing rant about the Iraq war being fraud cooked up by Republicans in Texas seeking political gains.

When Wesley Clark was a Republican

When Wesley Clark was a Republican

Before his vanity was offended, Wesley Clark helped raise money for Republicans.

"I'm very glad we've got the great team in office, men like Colin Powell, Don Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice, Paul O'Neill--people I know very well--our president, George W. Bush. We need them there, because we've got some tough challenges ahead in Europe."

Rich Lowry Summarizes the Democratic Party's Platform

Rich Lowry Summarizes the Democratic Party's Platform

Try to find one error in this summary.

Sample: "George Bush maneuvering the United States into war is an act of manipulative genius, and also is very stupid.

(Fill in blank with latest conflict here) is another Vietnam.

Te U.S. military is overextended -- and should be


How Do I Hate Thee?

How Do I Hate Thee?

Charles Krauthammer has been chronicalling the blind, often self-destructive hatred that many Democrats feel for George W. Bush. Here's the latest.

Final paragraph: "To accuse Bush of perpetrating a ``fraud'' to go to war for political advantage is not just disgraceful. It so flies in the face of the facts that it can only be said to be unhinged from reality. Kennedy's rant reflects the Democrats' blinding Bush-hatred, and marks its passage from partisanship to pathology."

Ted Kennedy Loses to an Empty Chair, Again

Ted Kennedy Loses to an Empty Chair, Again

If memory serves, it’s been 27 years since Ted Kennedy confronted a debating opponent with whom he could match wits. In 1976, Teddy was trying to drag the eventual Democratic nominee Jimmy Carter down to his level by challenging him to debates. Polls had Carter comfortably ahead, so he saw no reason to confer any legitimacy upon the hero of Chappaquiddick. So, Kennedy unilaterally scheduled a debate, and when Carter didn’t show, Kennedy debated an empty chair. He argued both sides, putting words into the mouth his absent opponent and rebutting them with his own arguments. As I recall, Kennedy lost the debate, but by a respectably narrow margin.
Senator Kennedy (D – Massachusetts, although these days he probably spills over into Connecticut and Rhode Island) was giving his empty chair routine another go last week. In the process, he established himself as Robert Byrd’s (D -Stone Age) rival for the role of his party’s crazy aunt in the attic.
Teddy’s still unhappy about the 14 month long “rush to war” with Iraq. He’s unhappy that we don’t let the French dictate our foreign policy. He claims to be dissatisfied that we haven’t attacked North Korea yet.
In criticizing President Bush’s justification for war with Iraq, Senator Kennedy fulminated that, "There was no imminent threat. This was made up in Texas."
Interestingly, at least two prominent politicians agree with Kennedy that there was no imminent threat from Iraq. And one of them is George W. Bush himself. During the State of the Union Address earlier this year he said: "Some have said we must not act until the threat is imminent. Since when have terrorists and tyrants announced their intentions, politely putting us on notice before they strike? If this threat is permitted to fully and suddenly emerge, all actions, all words, and all recriminations would come too late. Trusting in the sanity and restraint of Saddam Hussein is not a strategy, and it is not an option."
So there. George Bush himself said that Iraq was not an imminent threat. What deceit has Kennedy uncovered?
The current frontrunner for the Democratic presidential nomination was apparently listening the speech more closely than Ted was. "The president has never said that Saddam has the capability of striking the United States with atomic or biological weapons any time in the immediate future," said Howard Dean.
Ah well. Who can blame poor Ted. By the time the president delivered his speech, the bars had been open for hours.
And sadly, with the sound of black helicopters wop-wopping outside his window, Ted dug his hole a little deeper. “This was made up in Texas, announced in January to the Republican leadership that war was going to take place and was going to be good politically. This whole thing was a fraud.”.
And as for the money President Bush has requested to rebuild Iraq into a peaceful democratic nation, “My belief is this money is being shuffled all around to these political leaders in all parts of the world, bribing them to send in troops.”
Of course, Kennedy offered no evidence to support any of these charges. If there were any evidence, then he would be morally obligated to make it public so Articles of Impeachment can be introduced in Congress. This would be a fraud equivalent to Lynden Johnson’s imaginary Gulf of Tonkin incident that he used to entangle the United States in the real Vietnam quagmire. But then, Ted has never experienced a moral obligation.
Sadly, it appears that the increasingly irrelevant Mr. Kennedy has simply fallen back upon his old empty chair tactics. By putting the words, “imminent threat,” into the president’s mouth, he can rebut that claim with evidence that no nuclear, chemical or biological weapons have yet been found.
And why shouldn’t he? Of late, Democrats have called Bush a liar because there is no proven link between Saddam Hussein and the September 11 attacks. Again, if they wanted a reference, they could use George W. Bush’s own words. In fact, immediately after the attacks, his administration went far out of its way to deny press reports that there was a link between the hijackers and Saddam Hussein.
Either Ted has failed to remember losing to that chair 27 years ago, or he’s moving himself upstairs, into the attic.

Wednesday, September 24, 2003

Religion of Peace Update

Religion of Peace Update

A Nigerian woman has been sentenced to death by stoning for adultry. But, we shouldn't worry about her. This sort of thing happens all the time in the Muslim world.

Obviously, Iraqi's Aren't Watching CBS or CNN

Obviously, Iraqi's Aren't Watching CBS or CNN

According to the mainstream media, we're losing the peace in Iraq. Fortunately, the Iraqis know better.

I've Heard of Cutting Off One's Nose to Spite One's Face, But......

I've Heard of Cutting Off One's Nose to Spite One's Face, But......

Alfonse Mumbo, of Kajulu Wath Orego, Kenya, was angry with his wife. So, to punish her. He cut off his own pecker.
That'll show her.

Don't Shove Ice Up Your Bunghole

Don't Shove Ice Up Your Bunghole

I'm always reassured when I learn that I was doing the right thing all along without a single expert telling me to do so.

Integrity and Character Issues

Integrity and Character Issues

Retired General H. Hugh Shelton, who was chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on September 11, 2001 hints at why he would not vote for Wesley Clark.

"I've known Wes for a long time. I will tell you the reason he came out of Europe early had to do with integrity and character issues, things that are very near and dear to my heart. I'm not going to say whether I'm a Republican or a Democrat. I'll just say Wes won't get my vote."

At First, I Thought This Was A Typo

At First, I Thought This Was A Typo

"Snipper Suspect Arrested"

No, police did not find the latest sniper. They arrested some wierdo who snipped samples of women's clothing from their bodies.

Tuesday, September 23, 2003

Arafat, The KGB's Professional Terrorist

Arafat, The KGB's Professional Terrorist

A partner in peace? Hah! Don't make me laugh. Arafat is the world's richest professional terrorist.

No Wonder So Many Americans Still Vote Democratic

No Wonder So Many Americans Still Vote Democratic

American kids are not being taught the moral, philosophical and legal underpinnings of the nation they live in. No wonder so many think they are entitled to whatever the hell they want from the government.
In fact, they are being taught to hate their country.

We Really Can Do Without This

We Really Can Do Without This

It won't be long before the lawyers come after these guys for promoting an unhealthy lifestyle.

Is Nothing Good Happening in Iraq?

Is Nothing Good Happening in Iraq?

Even USA Today is reporting that news from Iraq is ridiculously negative.
Naturally, the reporters deny that there is an ideological motivation for their reporting.

Reporters agree on this much: Bad news -- not good -- sells.

''It's the nature of the business,'' Time's Brian Bennett says. ''What gets in the headlines is the American soldier getting shot, not the American soldiers rebuilding a school or digging a well.''

You mean, news is a business? I thougt it was a public service.

The Good News is, Their Boobs Won't Catch Fire

The Good News is, Their Boobs Won't Catch Fire

A toxic flame retardent has been found in women's breast milk.

Wait For The French?

Wait For The French?

The Democrats think Wesley Clark will save them from a McGovern-like electoral catastrophe. Will Americans vote for a guy who thinks we should give the French veto power over our foreign policy?

Maybe if They Stipped After Each Goal

Maybe if They Stipped After Each Goal

Why can't women's professional sports succeed?

Democratic versus Republican Responses to Terrorism

Democratic versus Republican Responses to Terrorism

Or, why it still is not safe to vote Democratic.

"Modern Democrats insist on confronting thugs and tyrants with tea and sympathy. This approach was expressed indelibly by Michael Dukakis in 1988, who, when asked during the debates with George H.W. Bush how he would deal with a rapist in his wife's bedroom, offered to set up a blue-ribbon commission to study the root causes of crime. Poor Kitty Dukakis was to be left in her nightie to deal with the brute while the little Duke hurried off in search of ribbons." --Wesley Pruden

It's all good. Read it here.

When Families Win, Democrats Lose

When Families Win, Democrats Lose

There may well be a reason why Democrats embrace dysfunctionality. Polls and surveys all show that people who live in stable, traditional, two-parent households vote Republican.
All others, lean Democratic.
Dennis Prager has an interesting theory about that.

"Given women's primal desire to be protected, if a woman has no man to provide it, she will seek security elsewhere -- and elsewhere today can only mean the government."

This is his central theme. But, read the whole thing.

Monday, September 22, 2003

Wesley Clark's Core Beliefs

Wesley Clark's Core Beliefs

It's right here.

Carol Moseley Braun Annouces Her Candidacy For President

Carol Moseley Braun Annouces Her Candidacy For President

The thunderous silence you heard earlier today was the nation's reaction to welfare cheat Carol Moseley Braun's announcement that she's running for president.

"I am uniquely qualified to do the job of president, and I offer the clearest alternative to this current administration, whose only new idea has been pre-emptive war and a huge new bureaucracy," Braun said.

Well, she's certainly no less qualified than anybody else running for the office. And, she probably has a firmer grasp on what she believes than Wesley Clark.

It's About Time a Democrat Said This!!!

It's About Time a Democrat Said This!!!

Media's dark cloud a danger
Falsely bleak reports reduce our chances of success in Iraq


"On Sept. 14, I flew from Baghdad to Kuwait with Sgt. Trevor A. Blumberg from Dearborn, Mich. He was in a body bag. He'd been ambushed and killed that afternoon. Sitting in the cargo bay of a C 130E, I found myself wondering whether the news media were somehow complicit in his death."

"I'm afraid the news media are hurting our chances. They are dwelling upon the mistakes, the ambushes, the soldiers killed, the wounded, the Blumbergs. Fair enough. But it is not balancing this bad news with "the rest of the story," the progress made daily, the good news. The falsely bleak picture weakens our national resolve, discourages Iraqi cooperation and emboldens our enemy."

U.S. Rep. Jim Marshall (D-Ga.) of Macon, a Vietnam combat veteran, is a member of the House Armed Services Committee

Ted Kennedy! Howard Dean! John Kerry! Wesley Clark! Dan Rather! Are you listening?

The Perfumed Prince had his Panties in a Knot

The Perfumed Prince had his Panties in a Knot

So, Wesley Clark is running against Bush because his vanity was offended. According to those who were there, Wesley Clark was pissed when the Bush Administration did not come running to him for advice after the September 11 attacks.

“I would have been a Republican,” Clark told them, “if Karl Rove had returned my phone calls.”

Another person he's mad at is Howard Dean. Apparently, Clark is angry because the Dean campaign suggested that Clark might make a good running mate.

Maybe this is why Clark seems to have no positions on any issues. All the perfumed prince really cares about is taking revenge upon those who don't kiss his ass.

Breyer Blast Minimum Sentences

Breyer Blast Minimum Sentences

Judge Breyer needs a new job. He doesn't seem to like his current one. Breyer doesn't believe that we should have minimum sentences. If he really wants to be rid of them, then he should run for office. As a judge, he has no business pontificating what the law should be.
Frankly, it's precisely because of arrogant asses like Breyer that we need minimum sentencing laws.

Whay We Need is a Bible that Doesn't Offend Canaanites or Egyptians

Whay We Need is a Bible that Doesn't Offend Canaanites or Egyptians

We also need one that doesn't offend thieves, aldulterers or NAMBLA members. Now we've got one that doesn't offend feminsts.

What Wesley Clark Might Believe. Maybe. Today Anyway. Or Saturday.

What Wesley Clark Might Believe. Maybe. Today Anyway. Or Saturday.

Wesley Clark is now up to his third explanation for what he might have done regarding the Iraq war.

""I never would have voted for war," he said here this afternoon in an interview and in response to a question after a lecture at the University of Iowa. "What I would have voted for is leverage. Leverage for the United States to avoid a war. That's what we needed to avoid a war."

Speaking about the resolution on Thursday, General Clark said, "At the time, I probably would have voted for it, but I think that's too simple a question."

He then added: "I don't know if I would have or not. I've said it both ways, because when you get into this, what happens is you have to put yourself in a position. On balance, I probably would have voted for it."

Plus, what he might or might not believe.

"Although he considered a presidential race for a month, he balked at most questions, saying he would spend this weekend at home in Little Rock, Ark., working on policy positions. Among the issues he told voters he was not ready to discuss in detail were health care, education, employment, AIDS in Africa, the USA Patriot Act and medical marijuana. In interviews this afternoon, he referred to a talking-point tip sheet on the hot local issues of ethanol and farm subsidies.

"I don't know enough to give you a comprehensive answer at this point," he said in response to a voter's question about universal health insurance. "I know enough not to give you a comprehensive answer at this point."

Sunday, September 21, 2003

Are Our Brains an Antenna Designed to Receve God's Word?

Are Our Brains an Antenna Designed to Receve God's Word?

Scientists are becoming convinced that our brains are hardwired to receive God's word and many of our social ill descend from our failure to make the connnection.

Friday, September 19, 2003

General Waffle Doesn't Know What He Believes Again

General Waffle Doesn't Know What He Believes Again

The Democratic Party's Great White Hope needed less that 24 hours to flip-flop on Iraq. Yesterday, he "probably" would have voted with Lieberman and Kerry to authorize the Iraq war. Today, (9-19), "would never have voted for this war."

But then, Clark isn't sure about what he believes. He's for and against gun control. He doesn't know if he favors the Brady bill or not, because he doesn't know much about it. He wants more soldiers in Iraq, but doesn't know where we're going to find them.

"We are trapped in a jobless economy and an endless occupation" he said. Endless occupation? Six months? And, he has already said that he wants to send in more troops?

No doubt, this is the Democrat's guy.

Are Any Of the Democratic Candidates Worthy of the Era?

Are Any of the Democratic Candidates Worthy of the Era?

When viewed through this prism, are any of these guys capable of greatness? If so, name one thing they've said that gives you that impression.

The Next Great Step In Evolution?

The Next Great Step In Evolution?

Crocodiles spotted up tree.

Thursday, September 18, 2003

Gray Davis Loses Touch With His Species

Gray Davis Loses Touch With His Species

Gray Davis admits that he has lost touch with the voters.

It may be that he's lost touch with more than that.

"My vision is to make the most diverse state on earth, and we have people from every planet on the earth in this state. We have the sons and daughters of every, of people from every planet, of every country on earth," he said.

Read on to see how the author tries to make excuses for Davis's fumble mouth. Can you imagine a reporter covering for Dan Quayle like that?

Churchill Was Right!

Churchill Was Right!

"Nobody ever said that democracy was the best form of government. Indeed, it might be the worst form of government, with the exception of all the others that have been tried from time to time." - Winston Churchill

How do liberals get away with this stuff? Nine years ago, Charles Murray and Richard Herrnstein caused an earthquake with their book, “The Bell Curve.” The Bell Curve is a very dense and dry treatise on intelligence, its manifestations, its social consequences, and its heritability. What made waves with this book was its discussion of racial inequalities in cognitive abilities. The authors reported that blacks possessed significantly lower IQ’s that whites or Asians. Elite opinion was competing with itself to weave the most extravagant condemnation of the authors.
So how does the American Civil Liberties Union and the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals get away with describing blacks as less capable?
In case you haven’t heard, a three judge panel of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals postponed the California gubernatorial recall election scheduled for October 7. The problem, as the court saw it, was that six California counties still used the despised punch cards. Democrats blame punch card ballots for tricking Gore voters in the 2000 election. Since then, liberals have made it cliché that punch cards disenfranchise voters by failing to accurately record the voters’ intentions. This is silly. Punch cards accurately record the intentions of anyone capable of reading and following simple instructions.
Nevertheless, after the 2002 elections in California, the courts ordered the state to replace its punch card machines with something Their Honors deem more reliable.
There are several findings that are of particular interest in the court’s ruling. Most fascinating is the finding that “minorities” are less capable than whites in the operation of punch card machines. “[T}he analysis indicated that when pre-scored punchcard systems were used, minority voters had significantly higher residual (error) vote rates than non-minorities.”
So, it is the notoriously liberal Ninth Circuit Court’s finding that minorities are less capable that whites. And, it was the notoriousl liberal ACLU that argued that case in the first place.
It’s worth noting that the research cited by the ACLU was commissioned by a company that sells touch screen voting systems. The Ninth Circuit approves of these machines even though genuinely independent research shows that that touch screens have a higher error rate that punch card machines - 2.5% versus 3.0%.
But how do these liberals get away with saying that blacks are less capable than whites, as the ACLU’s arguments and the Court’s findings clearly do? Obviously, it has to do with political expediency. Liberals, including Jesse Jackson and the mainstream press, want the recall to fail. Installing and keeping Democrats in office is a higher priority that defending the dignity of minorities.
If the differences in minority voting error rates are real, and I have my doubts, there are other explanations. The most likely would be the motivation of black voters. Unless they are homeless or insane, white voters who are too apathetic to vote are left alone. Not so with black voters. Because blacks are the most reliable Democratic voters, the Democratic Party has made a special effort in recent years to forcibly register these voters and get them to the polls. The method used is called, “knock and drag.” Party apparatchiks knock on doors in black neighborhoods and if the person inside has not yet voted, he or she is nearly kidnapped and taken to a polling place.
It make sense that someone who would rather not be there in the first place is less likely to cast his vote with the care that a self-motivated voter would use. A voter who is in a hurry won’t read directions. He probably won’t pay a great deal of attention to his card. He only wants to finish so he can be left alone.
The Court’s eagerness to hand the left a victory, and the left’s eagerness to win left other debris in its wake. The court misquoted former California Secretary of State, Bill Jones, who once characterized punch card systems as, “obsolete.” The court claimed that he said, “unacceptable.”
The court also claimed that, in 1984, problems with a punch card system forced San Joaquin County to throw out the votes of an entire precinct. That never happened.
In it’s eagerness to prevent the imaginary disenfranchisement of blacks, the courts disenfranchised an entire state.
An imperfect democracy beats the hell out of judicial imperialism.

Ted Kennedy Haunted by Black Helicopters

Ted Kennedy Haunted by Black Helicopters

Ted Kennedy has uncovered a vast rightwing conspiracy.

"There was no imminent threat. This was made up in Texas, announced in January to the Republican leadership that war was going to take place and was going to be good politically. This whole thing was a fraud,” Kennedy said."

And not only that: "My belief is this money is being shuffled all around to these political leaders in all parts of the world, bribing them to send in troops,” he said.

Gilligan's Tale Continues to Unravel

Gilligan's Tale Continues to Unravel

Apparently, the BBC's Andrew Gilligan has tried to manufacture notes regarding his interview with Dr. David Kelly. Maybe he could get a job with the New York Times.

Democracy, The Worst Form of Government

Democracy, The Worst Form of Government

Harvard Law professor Laurence Tribe is arguing in today's Wall Street Journal that the Ninth Circus Courts of Appeals was right to stop California's recall over punch card balloting. Tribe arugues that the error rate with punch cards is so high that voters will be disinfranchised.
Punch cards disinfranchise nobody. Voter too lazy or stupid to follow simple instructions often disinfranchise themselves. But the error rate with punch cards is about the same as with any other automated system.
So, I suppose that all elections should be halted until a demonstrably perfect system for divining voter intentions is invented.

Gilligan Abandoned on an Island

Gilligan Abandoned on an Island

Andrew Gilligan, the BBC reporter whose slippery tongue let a lie escape, and initiated a cascade of events that crescendoed with the suicide of weapons expert Dr. David Kelly, has been hung out to dry by his bosses. He has apparently sunk below the journalistic standards of the BBC - by which they mean he was caught lying I suppose. One could chronicle quite a number of lies at the BBC for whom no one has been called to account.

"Richard Sambrook, the BBC's director of news, said Gilligan failed to appreciate the "nuances and subtleties" of broadcast journalism, casting his reports in "primary colours" rather than shades of grey.

Both admitted it was a serious error of judgment for Gilligan to email members of the foreign affairs committee (FAC), suggesting questions they might ask of Dr Kelly and effectively outing him as the source for reports by the BBC Newsnight journalist Susan Watts. Dr Kelly's body was found three days after appearing before the FAC, apparently after taking his own life, leading to the setting up of Lord Hutton's inquiry."

If you have not followed this story, go here to get the flavor. Recall that Dr. David Kelly committed suicide shortly after being outed by Gilligan as his "confidential source."

Wednesday, September 17, 2003

BBC Reporter Confesses His Lies

BBC Reporter Confesses His Lies

Well, almost. The reporter who cooked up the story about British Prime Minister Tony Blair "sexing up" inelligence reports on Iraq admits to a "slip of the tongue," known elsewhere as an untruth, then knowingly allowing it to stand and even be repeated by his BBC colleagues. He also claims that he has no notes of a particular meeting and interview he reported. He says he lost his notes. Perhaps the dog ate them.

The world truly is tilting on its axis. Leftwing journalists are not accustomed to having their lies examined and so fully expect to get away with them. They are getting caught and are being called to account with slowly increasing frequency.

This Makes Me Think That Hillary Clinton Sleeps Hanging From The Ceiling

This Makes Me Think That Hillary Clinton Sleeps Hanging From The Ceiling

Scientists claim that they can determine a individual's personality from their sleeping position. I am a log, which they claim indicates a social and easy-going personality. I don't think that many people would describe me as easy-going.

Unassuming, good listeners usually adopt the starfish position -- on the back with outstretched arms and legs. I would assume that someone who takes up this much room in bed is also single.

More Job Destroying Government Regulations

More Job Destroying Government Regulations

The Los Angeles City Council just banned lap dancing. Opponents of the measure claim that thousands of high paying jobs will be lost.
Figures. Opponents of the Do Not Call registry claimed that 2 million jars would be lost by that too.

Someone help me. What is lap dancing anyway?

Tuesday, September 16, 2003

Saddamite Media Exposed Again

Saddamite Media Exposed Again

I once opined that the media seemed to kiss Saddam Hussein's ass to flagrantly for it to be an accident. Clearly they were doing it to maintain their priviliges in his country - even going so far as to straight-facedly report that Saddam had been reelected with 100% of the vote and 100% voter turnout.
Well, CNN eventually admitted that it had colored its broadcasts in Saddam's favor, but only because it feared for the safety of its Iraqi employees. We now learn that the entire press corp was sucking up to protect its own access to Iraq.

Monday, September 15, 2003

I'm Betting He Made This Up

I'm Betting He Made This Up

Some guy in Chicago claims to have lost his girlfriend's $10,000 engagement ring in a taxi. He claims that he saved for years. I'll be that when he finally scraped the cash together, he decided that he had a better use for the money and made up this story to get himself off the hook. Surely she wouldn't demand that he raise the money again.

Teacher Punished for Showing the Twin Towers Falling

Teacher Punished for Showing the Twin Towers Falling

No doubt anymore. The suppression of video showing the Twin Towers falling has it origins in politics. A Denver middle school teacher has been suspended for showing the video. How many kids in a Denver classroom lost loved ones when the towers fell? None I'll bet.

Competition Crimps the Left

Competition Crimps the Left

I think Christiane Amanpour is right. The relatively good behavior of the press during the Iraq War is attributable to Fox News. All the other networks understood that there was an oasis of honesty that wiewers could flee to should they try to flood the airways with their defeatist leftwing bullshit. And so, Fox News kept CNN et al in line.
Christiane Amanpour says they were intimidated. But hey! Everybody finds competition intimidated.

Sunday, September 14, 2003

Yoko Goes Naked for Peace! Oh No!

Yoko Goes Naked for Peace! Oh No!

Lately, it has become fashionable for women to strip for the cause of peace. I will admit that in many cases, the thought of more naked women makes me want to give them even more reasons to take their clothes off. But, then I read this about Yoko Ono's proposed striptease.
As I said, Yoko Ono - Oh No!

New Iraq Overturning Old Paradigms

New Iraq Overturning Old Paradigms

The new Iraq being built under the guidance of George Bush, Donald Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowicz, is a government and society of tolerance, pluralism, and individual dignity. And, it's scaring the bejesus out of all the other Arab rulers. If a sucessful, tolerant, prosperous, and democratic society can work in Iraq, then Arabs elsewhere will ask, why not here?

Saturday, September 13, 2003

Why Don't the Networks Want Us Mad?

Why Don't the Networks Want Us Mad?
Something was missing from a week of rather tepid September 11th memorials. I did not see a single replay of the World Trade Center Towers falling. The focus of the memorial I saw focused on the victims rather than recalling the evil manifested by the attack itself.
This represents a continuation of a trend that has been gnawing at me for a long time now. I'm fairly certain that in the last year, I've seen more video of the USS Arizona blowing up at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 than I have of hijacked planes crashing into the Twin Towers. I can say that because I'm sure it's been more than a year since I've seen the Twin Towers go down. I read somewhere that the networks had agreed not to show these images anymore as they are too painful to those who lost loved ones in the terrorist attack. But there is a gossamer quality to that explanation. Were all the sailors on the Arizona unloved?
Now which tragedy is more closely tied to current events and should therefore get more airtime? Considering that we are spending blood and treasure around the world as a consequence of September 11, 2001, it seems that Americans deserve to be reminded now and then of why. If nothing else, we have welcomed three million immigrants in the last two years. Two million Americans reached voting age and presumably are more aware of the world around them than they were before. That makes 5 million people for whom a replay would hardly be a refresher course.
Reading aloud the names of the victims is fine, but it elicits sorrow, not outrage. And the atrophy of outrage is easily quantifiable. Most of the flags that went up after the attacks have either been taken down, or have been permitted to fray and fade. Clearly people's anger has cooled. And, it has been cooled because no one is blowing on the coals.
Anger and outrage are the more appropriate reaction to terrorism. If all Usama Bin Laden achieved in 2001 was to make us sorrowful, he'd still be living the high life in Afghanistan instead of hiding in caves. Saddam Hussein would still be nurturing, arming, and rewarding terrorists. Instead they both made us mad.
"The purpose of terrorism, is terror" said Vladimir Lenin, who used terror to dispirit the Russian empire into submission. To dispirit us is the intention of Bin Laden and his henchmen. We need to keep fresh in our minds who and what they are and the threat that they pose.
To do that, we need to see those buildings falling again. We need to see that footage of Palestinians dancing in the street after the attack. We need to see the anniversary celebrations that took place around the world Thursday, including London, England. Americans need to be reminded that there are evil, hateful people out there who wish to kill us.
Our media seemed disinclined to take sides here. David Westin, president of the ABC News opined that the attack on the Pentagon was not a terrorist attack, but a legitimate military action. The Reuters News Agency is reluctant to use the word terrorist claiming that, "one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter." When is the last time you heard that a terrorist blew up a bus full of children in Israel? It's been a while. The Reuterized mainstream press prefers to call Palestinian child killers, "militants."
I think I have a handle on it. Because defeatist demagogues such as Howard Dean and the French-looking John Kerry have made criticism of the war their central campaign issue, the left leaning press has resisted any images that would inflame support for the war and therefore, the incumbent president. Nothing would drive Howard Dean's poll numbers down than an occasional reminder of that awful day.
Would it be partisan to show the towers falling and report that this is what motivated United States to go to war? That is the truth. Nothing is more even-handed than the truth. And, if Howard Dean and the French-looking John Kerry want to argue that we should not have fought back, then let them do so to a properly informed and impassioned public.
Remember, the terrorists brought the war to us.

Friday, September 12, 2003

Get Angry All Over Again

Get Angry All Over Again

We've grown complacent. It's time to get mad again. Go here. Warning, if you're on a dial up connnection, it's going to take a while to load.

Thursday, September 11, 2003

Not Radar Love, but Robot Love?

Not Radar Love, but Robot Love?

Indian scientists claim to have invented a robot that can improve couple's sex lives. Hmmm. I don't even want to think about it.

The Cold Rage of Reason

The Cold Rage of Reason

As usual, Andrew Sullivan gets it.

"Human beings simply cannot live with that kind of fear or that kind of fury for very long. But we can still nurture what might be called the cold rage of reason"

Guess What? The New York Times Lies

Guess What? The New York Times Lies

Marvin Olasky chronicles the gestation and birth of a lie published by the New York Times.

Wednesday, September 10, 2003

Refresh Your Outrage

Refresh Your Outrage

Take a moment to remember why we're at war. The mainstream press seems to be going out of their way to avoid reminding us. But read this, to stir your flames back into life.

Tell Me if You See the Twin Tower Fall

Tell Me if You See the Twin Tower Fall

I detect a note of complacency in the public. I believe that it is time for the press to replay the fall of the Twin Towers, so that everyone is reminded of why we are at war. I've seen more video this last year of the USS Arizona blowing up at Pearl Harbor than I have of the Twin Towers falling.
If you see the Towers falling on NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN or Fox, let me know and I will make note of it.
I'm betting that there won't be many replays.

Tuesday, September 09, 2003

Racists Unite!

Racists Unite!

Tom Metzger, former Grand Wizard of the California Klu Klux Klan, has endorsed Cruz Bustamante for the governor. Why? It's due to Bustamante's affiliation with the racial separatist organization, MEChA. MEChA promotes the liberation of Aztlan, their word for the Southwestern United States and the expulsion of non-hispanics.
This fits right in with Metzger, who previously supported Nation of Islam leader, Louis Farrakhan, who also promotes racial separatism.

Eight Days and Counting

Eight Days and Counting

Meanwhile, it's been eight days since the United States suffered a combat casualty in Iraq. Considering the attention they give to every death in Iraq, National Public Radio should have noticed this. If they have, they haven't reported it.

The Mainstream Press Notices Flypaper

The Mainstream Press Notices Flypaper

Bloggers figured this out months ago, but now that President Bush has finally led the press by the nose to it, the flypaper strategy is just beginning to dawn on the mainstream press - The Wall Street Journal anyway.

The critical line in President Bush's speech: "The surest way to avoid attacks on our own people is to engage the enemy where he lives and plans," Mr. Bush said, in what for us was the heart of his speech. "We are fighting that enemy in Iraq and Afghanistan today so that we do not meet him again on our own streets, in our own cities."

Monday, September 08, 2003

Bring 'em On!

Bring 'em On!

Terrorists from all over the Middle East are pouring into Iraq and Afghanistan to confront the United States, where they are being killed. Taking the battle to the Middle East means that the battle is not in our country. And, since they are flocking into our kill zones, where they're being scythed, there are fewer of them every day.
Some call this the flypaper strategy. Bush deserves credit for this, but as the success of the flypaper strategy depends upon the terrorists not appreciating what's happening to them, the President is wise in not boasting. Somehow I doubt that our former president could control his mouth in a similar situation.

I'd Call That a Bargain

I'd Call That a Bargain

The best I ever had.
I read somewhere that the attacks on the World Trade Center cost the US economy over a trillion dollars. That' why I will not be terrible patient with the political opportunists who are going to criticize President Bush's request for $87 billion to fight terror.

HIV Positive Beauty Contest

HIV Positive Beauty Contest

Did I really see this? Yes, I'm afraid I did. Botswana, where more than a third of the population is infected with AIDS, cooked up the idea of holding a beauty contest for HIV-positive contestants. The motive was to combat the "AIDS stigma."
This is a breathtakingly stupid idea. If they were combating a cancer stigma, or a diabetes stigma, then this might make sense. But dipping your wick into one of these beauties could get you killed.
Sometimes, there's a very good reason for stigmas.

Friday, September 05, 2003

First Amendment on Trial

First Amendment on Trial

The Supreme Court is supposed to protect the Constitution and therefore, restrain the power-grabbing impulses of Congress. Let's hope they do their jobs this time.

The Party of Hate

The Party of Hate

The Republicans were routinely criticized for their distaste for President Clinton. But, I don't recall the 1996 Republican Party being a contest in which the candidates try to out do each other in venting their hatred of Clinton. But, hatred for Bush is certainly what the Democratic Party's primaries have devolved into.

Johnny Depp Doesn't Mean What He Said Either, or Does He?

Johnny Depp Doesn't Mean What He Said Either, or Does He?

Johnny Depp was quoted out of context, or so he says.

Use Budget Shortfalls to Clean House

Use Budget Shortfalls to Clean House

In his own, peculiar way, University of Idaho history professor Dale Graden makes a fine case for program elimination. "[W]hat am I just supposed to do, some song and dance every day to entertain 50 students at a time?" Well, no actually, he's supposed to teach history, not entertain anybody.
Graden was complaining about looming budget cuts at the University of Idaho and how previous budget cuts have affected his ability to teach. The liberal arts feel that their nearly 100% reliance upon state funds leaves them more vulnerable to budget reductions.
I'm not entirely clear what Graden means. It's hard to imagine what expenses he incurs while teaching history, unless it's for handouts. But killing trees should be going the way of clay tablets. The University of Idaho is well wired and web pages should be replacing photocopiers anyway.
Students are required to buy their own books and can be asked to purchase their own blue books for exams. And until we invent a time machine and can change the past, history, being historic, really doesn't change much. So history really shouldn't cost all that much to teach. Graden needs to lecture, not dance.
It is true that there are those who attempt to edit and falsify history so that it conforms to their ideologies. And if historians don't have enough money to do that, then I'd say that budget cuts are a good thing.
But if all liberal arts programs are suffering under broad swath budget cuts, then program cuts should be seriously considered. The day may be past when all universities are capable of being all things to all people. Particularly within a statewide system of higher education, it may make far more fiscal sense for certain programs to be offered uniquely at one university within that system.
Too often, in fact I would say almost every time, higher education responds to budget shortfalls by some combination of across the board budget cuts and leaving vacate positions unfilled. Such strategies may pass the fairness and pain reductions test, but they don't pass the leadership test.
It's worth a university's time to examine and reevaluate its mission, and afterwards decide if it is directing its resources toward the fulfillment of that mission. The University of Idaho is a land grant college founded to teach agricultural and engineering. Related fields such as biology, chemistry and physics clearly fit neatly into that mission, establishing the essential didactic foundations. That said, it is in the interest of the student that he not be turned out into the world as a barely literate, narrow-minded Neanderthal. Therefore some resources should be dedicated to fleshing out a properly educated graduate who can function outside of a cubicle or a combine.
Among the questions that should be asked of liberal arts programs are: Is the program essential to producing a well-rounded student? Such departments as English and History should be considered as essential. Some others, well, they simply are not. And if the answer to the first question is, "no," then it should be asked: Is this discipline taught elsewhere within the state's university system? Not every university has a mining or forestry program. Not every university necessarily needs to offer a major in psychology. Indeed, there is little that is more grating to the senses than the know-it-all diagnoses dispensed by someone who took a single introductory psychology class.
And in a time of budget cuts, when essential programs are being trimmed to the bone, does it really make sense for a financially strapped university to keep a Program in Women's Studies, a Program in Latin American Studies, or even a Sociology Department? When core departments like English are threatened, might such fringe disciplines qualify as frivolous extravagances that the university could get along just fine without? If the choice is maintaining both a mediocre history department and a mediocre theatre department, wouldn't it be better to have a fully funded, vibrant history department and allow aspiring thespians to go elsewhere?
Interim UI President Gary Michael certainly has his work cut out for him. But, he also has the advantage of being a short timer. He can clean up the messes, make the necessary changes and get back to his real life. He is uniquely situated to leave UI in a stronger position than he found it.

Kerry Doesn't Mean What He Said, or Does He?

Kerry Doesn't Mean What He Said, or Does He?

Competition for the Jaeanine Garafolo wing with the Democratic Party has intensified as John Dean has mostly locked up these paranoic hate America types. The other five sensible candidates (I'm intentionally overlooking the kook fringe, Dennis Kucinich, Al Sharpton, and Carol Moseley Braun) are having to split the rational wing of the party.
John Kerry, once the front runner who failed to generate any excitement running as a moderate, has lately been trying to cut into Dean's support by rewriting his own history. Because, when he had the chance, he voted to authorize war. But, now, he's claiming that he didn't really vote to wage war, just to threaten it.
What a slimy snake.