We Need More Rogues
I don’t think that there is anything that gets under the skin of a lefty more than when a member of a demographic, that Democrats take for granted, gains prominence in the conservative movement. Democrats prefer blacks and women as docile, servile victims rather than strong and independent thinkers.
Just ask Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. Beginning with his nomination, Justice Thomas has been subjected to the left’s hateful, full-throated and often racist vitriol for nearly two decades.
Two free thinkers who have resisted appeals to victimhood, and have earned the left’s most passionate hatred as a consequence, are Sarah Palin and Liz Cheney. Both are attractive and have accomplished all that feminists have claimed is possible for all women, but whom none who follow feminism’s prescriptions ever achieve. Each has had 5 children while succeeding in their careers. And both are frequent targets of the worst that the left can throw at them.
Sarah Palin really seems to get under the left’s skin. They hate her because she’s effective. While non-roguish Republicans have remained trembling on the sidelines, hoping that Democrats would self-destruct, Sarah Palin has not shown the slightest hesitancy to step into the arena. Nothing has done more to slow the imposition of Obamacare than her pithy summation of Obamacare’s “death panels.”
In mid-April, Obama told Bloomberg News where he expected to achieve the financial saving he promises for Obamacare: “The chronically ill and those toward the end of their lives are accounting for potentially 80 percent of the total health- care bill out here.”
The Republican mainstream said nothing.
About three weeks later he told a New York Times Sunday Magazine how healthcare rationing would be administered: “I think that there is going to have to be a conversation that is guided by doctors, scientists, ethicists. And then there is going to have to be a very difficult democratic conversation that takes place. It is very difficult to imagine the country making those decisions just through the normal political channels. And that’s part of why you have to have some independent group that can give you guidance.”
If the Republican mainstream noticed, they kept it to themselves.
In June, during an ABC produced Obamacare infomercial, he told a questioner from the audience that the elderly might need to content themselves with a pain pill rather than expect life extending healthcare.
No pulse was detected in the Republican mainstream.
All it took to bring Obamacare’s warts into clear focus was for Sarah Palin, on August 7th, to express her concern that her chronically ill newborn son might not meet Obama’s standard for continued care and would be condemned by a “death panel.” With that succinct distillation, she cleared away all of Obama’s long-winded, rhetorical squid’s ink and illuminated what Obamacare advocates did not want you to know.
The term stuck because it had the ring of truth and Obamacare has run aground, giving Americans more time to evaluate the legislation and consider what’s wrong with it. It had been the Democrats’ goal to ram this through before anybody, even Congressmen, had a chance to read it.
To get a sense of the left’s uncompromising hate for her, a look alike collection of venomous anti-Palin essays called “Going Rouge” is scheduled to arrive on bookshelves the same day as Palin’s memoir “Going Rogue.” The obvious intent is to trick Palin fans into buying the bogus book.
How obsessive must your hatred be to go to all that trouble just to sabotage a book release?
The malevolent left has lately turned its smear machine on Liz Cheney. Her crime has been her clear, logical and informed criticism of Obama’s unfocused and ineffective foreign policy. Civilization’s enemies have not felt so comfortable and secure since Jimmy Carter’s reign of error.
Along with William Kristol and Debra Burlingame, she helped establish a website that focuses attention on Obama’s inattention. The site aggregates news and commentary on Obama’s feeble foreign policy. She has also appeared on talk shows and has shown herself to be a confident and informed commentator who can parry any leftist thrust. The left has responded predictably, not by addressing the substance of her arguments, but with personal attacks and name-calling.
It won’t be getting any easier for lefties. Michelle Bachman is another rising conservative star. And she has five children too.