Party Animals
Turns out that anciant Peruvians knew how to have a good time. Is this why the Incas fell?
"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato
Turns out that anciant Peruvians knew how to have a good time. Is this why the Incas fell?
Kerry can't live without the money he drains off the women he marries. And so, if Theresa wants a place in the spotlight, he's going to give it to her. But she's going to cost him votes. And it's not her "edgy style," as Robert Novak calls it. It's her snooty, haughty, elitist arrogance.
Well, we finally got the French onboard, tentatively anyway. The French believe in words more than action. And, they didn't even want harsh words.
The crazy wing of the Democratic Party plans to work for John Kerry despited the moderate tone of the convention.
Jonah Goldberg reminds us that the United States had enemies long before the liberation of Iraq.
And the New York Times, and The Washington Post, and CNN and CBS and ABC and NBC.......
I had no idea that George W. Bush was so formidable. There were snipers and machine guns on rooftops around the Fleet Center in Boston, where the Democrats just concluded their national convention. The Massachusetts National Guard was on alert. There were coils of barbed wire and battalions of riot police. Helicopters and probably even fighter planes were flying cover over the city. Why? Well according to Ted Kennedy, “the only thing we have to fear is four more years of George Bush."
It has to be pretty vivid before Maureen Dowd notices. Therefore, the Democrats attempts to appear Republican must be very obvious.
Larry Elders marvels at the mainstream media's unabashed attempts to save Sandy Berger, and John Kerry.
George Will wonders - what are the Democrats so riled about? Isn't John Kerry saying everything he can to be more Republican that George W. Bush?
Holy Rosy Batman! Another Hollywood gun contol nut has armed body guards.
Black helicopters are circling all around the Democrats these days.
The New York Times actually published an article about good things happening in Iraq. And during the Democratic National Convention too!
Making the streets safer, the gospel according to Al.
According Bill Clinton, Americans were safe when he left office, and they're unsafe now because he's no longer in office. Claudia Rosset doesn't equate feelings with reality.
Democrats love being lied to. Did you all see how they swooned over Bill Clinton?
As comforting as it is to read that Democratic gubernatorial candidate Christine Gregoire values the will of the people and opposes higher taxes, there is little in her history that gives this observer confidence that she actually adheres to either position.
Now that the 9/11 commission has endored the idea of preemption, will Bush clean out the next wasps nest?
Sandy Berger is innocent, even though he has confessed. The Bush administration is guilty, even though there is not a shred of evidence.
The Washington Post discovers the real culprit in the Sandy Berger affair - Republicans.
An unnamed, high-ranking French official (perhaps on of John Kerry's friends) announced that Lance Armstrong would not return to the Tour de France next year.
One theme seems to be running through the 9/11 commmission's report, Bush was right all along. Saddam was seeking weapons of mass destruction, he was supporting international terror, we did need the Patriot Act, and preemption is the way to go.
Ah Clintonism is spreading fast. Sandy Berger inadvertantly and innocently stuffed classified documents into his pants and socks, and now we learn that money wasn't stolen from the Oil For Food program, it was "uplifted."
Larry Elder chronicles some rather egregious examples of media bias.
Nobody knows better than mainstream journalists what's wrong with America. It's racist and sexist. But who is that decides what missing person story to highlight? Why I believe it's the mainstream press.
Bill Clinton considers Sandy Berger's theft of classified documents a laughing matter.
As if it weren't already easy enough to get fat! Krispy Kreme has introduced a new "drinkable donut" for people on the go.
And that goes for it being a laughing matter.
If the documents that Sandy Berger stole are as harmless as he claims they are, then why not declassify them so we can all read them?
The media has started its intellectual yoga exercises trying to excuse Sandy Berger's theft of highly classified documents critical of the Clinton administration's indifference to terrorism. Working from the Democratic cue sheet, the media suddenly reversed course, ignoring the deed and focusing instead upon the motivations for the leak.
Before Joseph Wilson was expose as a liar, the Justice Department appointed a special prosecutor to investigate his accusations.
And he still does. John Kerry is trying to be both pro and anti war. Neat trick if you can do it.
Young people just know how to have a really good time.
John Kerry campaign advisor and former Clinton National Security Advisor Sandy Berger has admitted stealing classified terrorism-related documents.
Arthur Cherekoff reports the news that other leave behind.
Mark Steyn summarizes.
And a liar. Glenn Reynolds is all over the Joe Wilson/yellowcake fallout. And, he's having way too much fun.
This just in. Ambassador Joe Wilson is a liar and a fraud. Will the mainstream press apologize, or even correct the record?
I'm not kidding. Frank Rich manages to find anti-Bush messages in Spiderman 2, as well as warnings for John Kerry.
The anti-American resistance is cracking up. The barbaric suicide car bombings committed by Al Qaida types are repulsing ordinary Iraqis and the Iraqi resistance as well.
George Will points out that Democratic stalling tactics have created an environment in which no president can function, makin it highly unlikely that Kerry or Bush will be able to do much of anything as president.
John Kerry has tried to slip a paper's width between himelf and the disgusting performances at a fundraiser in his honor.
The Senate report on intelligence failures before the Iraq war puts the entire blame on the CIA and exonerates the Bush Administration. But, the New York Times isn't about to let facts get in the way of unsubstantiated implications.
Michael Moore claims that, after seeing "Fahrenheit 9/11," Tom Daschle gave him a hug. Daschle, who's running for reelection, claims it never happened.
John Edwards does not claim that he was misled into voting for the war. John Edwards makes no bones about the need to bring democracy to Islam if we are to have peace.
Earlier this week, the lower half of the hair styling hall of fame presidential ticket announced that, after winning the election in November, he and his French looking co-star would restore respect for America on the world stage. Gaining international respect is John Kerry-speak for seeking French approval. The Democratic cliché is that going into Iraq without French approval cost us the international community’s respect. Had we only shown France the deference she deserves, the whole Iraq business would have gone swimmingly well. But this nonsense defies history and logic.
Does Michael Moore believe that Hans Blix is an American? Blix certainly is stupid. The man who was supposed to be the world's lead weapons ispector believes that the real threat out there is, global warming.
Disney turned its back on Michael Moore. But Middle Eastern terrorists are happy to step up and help Michael Moore.
Bill Clinton was the most narcissisitic president in US history. It would take Kerry and Edwards together to match. What? They have been matched?
George W. Bush chooses a man who has the credentials and the experience to serve as president if necessary. John Kerry chooses a man with a hair styling that rivals his own.
We've been performing experiments on children for about two decades now and it might be time to check the results.
As a private citizen, Kenneth Starr is now free to do something that he could not do as a special prosecutor, publicly rebut Bill Clinton's lies.
As a private citizen, Kenneth Starr is now free to do something that he could not do as a special prosecutor, publicly rebut Bill Clinton's lies.
John Effing Kerry charged today that George W. Bush has allowed Iraq and Afghanistan to distract attention from the real danger facing the world, pissed off kangaroos.
Let's put all the evidence on the table and the voters decide.
The mainstream media is still seething over the 1988 "Willie Horton" ad. But, they're mostly sanguine regarding Michael Moore's "Fahrenheit 9-11."
Where will the United Nations' Oil For Food Scandal rank in the annals of corruption?
The Supreme Courst seems to place a higher value on pornography than on political free speech.
I will never ride in the Tour de France. In fact, I doubt that I will ever set foot in France. There are entirely too many Frenchmen over there for my taste. But, I do know how it feels to ride in the Tour de France.