What To Believe?
We got a real window into John Kerry's soul this week. Osama Bin Laden released a new tape threatening the United States. So John Kerry did a poll to determine how he should react.
"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato
We got a real window into John Kerry's soul this week. Osama Bin Laden released a new tape threatening the United States. So John Kerry did a poll to determine how he should react.
Not only is the left wing of the Democratic Party the home of "respectable" anti-semitism, but Kerry's own stepson is an anti-Semite.
The former "Most Trusted Man in America" speculates that Karl Rove is behind the release of the Bin Laden video.
Yes, it was the first terrorist who declared that everything is political.
Now that the missing explosives story has blown up in Kerry's face like an exploding cigar, the poll momentum has shifted.
While Harkin channels God, Allah's messenger condemns Bush too.
Tom Harkin wants Bush out of the White House. And he says that God agrees with him.
Al Quaida offically endorses John Kerry.
There is always an element of three card monty, or some other variation of the shell game whenever someone cooks up a solution to education funding in Washington. For as long as I can recall, publicly funded education has been in a state of “crisis.” Teachers are chronically underpaid. Classrooms are too crowded. Buildings need replacement, repair, or a high-speed internet connection. Politicians always plead poverty. If the citizens want all these things, they say, then they’ll just have to find a way to pay for it. It’s as though our children are being held hostage.
Here you will find a highly technical, well informed explanation of why that video supposedly showing American soldiers inspecting the missing explosives is not so unabmiguous as the Bush-hating media would have you believe.
Recently, objective journalist Seymour Hersh explained to a Canadian audience how George Bush could possibly win reelection.
Guess what? Somebody has "discovered" that the dinosaurs were wiped out by an asteroid 65 million years ago.
It's Indonesia.
It would appear that John Kerry has made some critically bad decisions based upon bad intelligence.
This last month of the campaign has been marked by a rash of violent attacks on Rebublican offices by white liberal Democrats.
Yet another reason not to carelessly drug children.
Terrorist leaders are boasting that they have assisted John Kerry's presidential campaign.
It's not just that John Kerry's favorite player on the Boston Red Sox (Manny Ortez) doesn't exist, Kerry also lied about being at Game 6 of the 1986 World Series.
It's not just that John Kerry's favorite player on the Boston Red Sox (Manny Ortez) doesn't exist, Kerry also lied about being at Game 6 of the 1986 World Series.
John Kerry has recently been accusing the Bush campaign of losing Bin Laden in Tora Bora. The charge is that we had him surrounded before Bush got distracted by Iraq and left the job of catching Bin Laden to Afghan warlords.
The explosives that John Kerry and his campaign surrogates at the New York Times and PBS were prattling about were long gone before the US Army ever got to the place where they were stored.
Well, let's just say that, if John Kerry had known then, what he knows now, he would have had that meeting with the UN Security Council.
In its enthusiasm to shill for John Kerry, the New York Times hyped up a non-story that the Democrats immediately coordinated their campaign with.
You wouldn't know it from readin the New York Times, or listening to CBS (or, for that matter, from reading the increasingly tinny Andrew Sullivan), but there is progress being made in Iraq.
An Al Qaida supporter has been spotted raising money for Kerry.
During the second presidential debate, Democrat John Kerry said he would have science direct his policy decisions on embryonic stem cell research. That’s demonstrably untrue. But one must wonder where ethics fits into his thinking?
Guess what? The Washington Post joins the New York Times in endorsing John Kerry for president.
The Guardian seems to have given up on Kerry's campaign and is now calling for Bush's assassination.
Democrats in Ohio have accused Republicans of trying to suppress Democratic votes, by requiring that voters cast ballots in the districts in which they are registered.
CBS may have invented fake news, but they don't own it. Jon Stewart does, or at least he monopolizes it.
They're up to their old tricks again. The ironically misnamed Democratic Party has dispatched literally thousands of lawyers and has greased its disinformation machine to win through fraud what they can't win through an honest vote.
You might be surprised to learn that there has been press coverage of the United Nations Oil-for-Food scandal.
Whoah! What's this? A favorable article about the president in the New York Times?
Screw the French and Germans. We have the most important allies on our side - the Iraqis.
The ironically misnamed Democratic Party has won at least a partial success in its attempt to suppress a documentary critical of John Effing Kerry.
Lawyers across America, from both parties, are sharpening their fangs in anticipation of the upcoming election.
Kofi Annan has let it be known what he wants to believe about the Oil-For-Food Scandal.
The Bush Administration is opposing a provision of the intelligence reform bill that tightens illegal immigration laws.
Guess what? Democrat party sugar daddy and destroyer of nations, George Soros, may have used his billions to buy fraudulent votes.
The man who exposed the international Jew conspiracy to rule the world, the former Prime Minister of the Malasia, Mahathir Bin Mohamad, has endorsed John Kerry for president.
The man who exposed the international Jew conspiracy to rule the world, the former Prime Minister of the Malasia, Mahathir Bin Mohamad, has endorsed John Kerry for president.
Yasir Arafat. No surprise really.
Recently, a Democrat canvasser came to my door. I told him to save his breath, that there was no way that I would ever cast another vote for a Democrat.
Yes, it is the government's fault that we have a flu vaccine shortage. But it's not George W. Bush's fault. The problem lies with a policy he inherited from the Clintons - Price regulation.
From the Drudge Report.
Why, because it's good news. It a success story in the war on terror.
Things like this are the reason that I cannot imagine myself ever voting for a Democrat.
And they can't afford to buy out of state licenses when they don't plan to actually hunt.
According to John Kerry, every little thing that is wrong in America is George Bush's fault - including the flu vaccine problem.
After trying to honor the spirit of the new campaign finance law, Republicans have made up their disadvantage with the Democrats and are pulling away.
The timing of the Madrid bombings was not accidental. It was a campaign contribution from terrorits to the socialists.
The far Left has stuck with Kerry even though he has promised to keep us in Iraq and has said that there is little difference between his position on homosexual marriage and Bush's. That's because they were confident that he was lying
The same polls that showed John Kerry as winner of all three debates also show George W. Bush pulling away from Lurch.
John Kerry, after declaring that he would thwart Republicans schemes to suppress the African-American vote, followed up by revealing a secret plan by the Bush administration to reinstitute the draft.
The pathetic Kofi Annan proudly proclaimed that the United Nations would get right to the bottom of the Oil-For-Food scandal.
Whine, whine whine. John Kerry is mad that somebody is permitted to say something bad about him. And he's demanding equal time to answer.
Or is he just a liar?
Quick, name the most lethal and devastating disease in the world. You're wrong! It's malaria. Malaria has been the bane of humanity since before our ancestors raised up onto their hing legs.
Pundits were outraged when Dick Cheney suggested that a Kerry administration would leave America more vulnerable to terrorist attack. But they barely blinked when John Edwards all but blamed paralysis and Alzheimer's on Bush.
Perhaps the most substantive political race in the country is playing out in South Dakota. Tom Daschle, the nation's most powerful Democrat, is likely to lose his seat because his constituents are repulsed by the way he exercised that power.
Patty Murray’s argument is not really with George Nethercutt. Her real debate is with Patty Murray. What is it Patty? Are we to defend our country with ordinance or au pairs? Bullets or baby sitters? Intelligence or insipidity? Does Patty Murray intend to dispatch our enemies by having them laugh themselves to death?
The Democratic Party's gratuitious references to Dick Cheney's lesbian daughter has mom fighting mad.
For the second time, the Kerry-Edwards campaign has "outed" Dick Cheney's daughter. Why? It's well known that she's a lesbian, but Kerry/Edwards keeps bringing it up. Do they think that they can peel off a few fundamentalists with the news?
The National Rifle Association is putting its considerable muscle into the campaign.
John Kerry's laughable claim that the military wants him to win is contradicted by polling data. Among servicemen and women, Bush leads 73%-18%.
John Kerry claims to know something that nobody else knows - the whereabouts of Osama Bin Laden. When I heard Kerry say that Osama was hiding in the Tora Bora region of Afghanistan, I was a bit surprised. The last I had heard, he was just across the border in a rugged, ungovernable region of Pakistan.
It doesn't matter that his words might have merit, what matters is that he's a Democrat and that means he won't be on Meet The Press this Sunday, representing the entire Democratic Party.
The Swift Boat Veterans for Truth have allied themselves with POW's and are launching another round of attacks on John Kerry.
Many John Effing Kerry supporters have a dark secret. They can't stand John Kerry. Such Kerry "supporters" are finding therapy in webites like, http://www.KerryHatersForKerry.com and http://www.johnkerryisadouchebagbutimvotingforhimanyway.com/
Terrence Jeffrey asks that very fair, ideologically consitent question.
The conventional wisdom states that tonight's debate is on Kerry's home court, and therefore, he has the advantage. But, there are many areas of vulnerability. One of them Kerry brought up himself, judicial nominations.
Keith A. Fournier dissects John Kerry's clumsy attempt to separate his deeply held beliefs from policy positions.
New Democrats have one thing in common with Old Democrats. They lie.
Maybe there's a reason that John Kerry is "stooping" to campaigning in black churches.
At last we've discovered consistency in John Kerry. Not only does he ignore his own church's teachings, but he encourages others to do so as well.